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FXBITMARKET · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded year 2017
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Forex, CFDs, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Standard
Minimum Deposit $50
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Starting from 1.0 pip
Trading Platforms Web-based
Customer Support Phone at +13865162714 and email at SUPPORT@FXBITMARKET.COM
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit/debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers


Founded in the United States in 2017, XBITMARKET offers a wide range of trading assets, including forex, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies. Its competitive advantages include a user-friendly web-based platform, low minimum deposit requirement, and competitive spreads.

However, the lack of regulation raises risks about user protection and oversight. Customer support response times can be slow, and educational resources are limited.


Is FXBITMARKET legit or a scam?

FXBITMARKET operates without regulation, lacking oversight from any authority.

This absence of regulation exposes investors to potential risks such as fraud, manipulation, and insufficient investor protection. Without oversight, there's no guarantee of fair trading practices, transparency, or adherence to industry standards. Investors face heightened vulnerability to scams and financial losses due to the unchecked operations of FXBITMARKET.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Variety of payment methods (credit/debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers) Lack of regulation
Low minimum deposit requirement ($50) Slow customer support response
User-friendly web-based trading platform Limited educational resources
Competitive spreads as low as 1.0 pips
Real-time forex rates and charts
A wide range of trading instruments including forex, CFDs and cryptos


  • Variety of Payment Methods: FXBITMARKET offers a wide range of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. This variety provides flexibility for users to choose the payment option that best suits their preferences and needs.

  • Low Minimum Deposit Requirement: With a minimum deposit requirement of just $50, FXBITMARKET offers accessibility to a wide range of traders, including those with limited capital.

  • User-friendly Web-based Trading Platform: FXBITMARKET provides a user-friendly web-based trading platform, offering ease of access and navigation for traders of all levels of experience.

  • Competitive Spreads: FXBITMARKET offers competitive spreads, with rates as low as 1.0 pips. Competitive spreads reduce the cost of trading for users, enabling them to maximize their potential profits by minimizing trading expenses.

  • Real-time Forex Rates and Charts: The platform provides real-time forex rates and charts, allowing users to stay updated on market movements and make informed trading decisions. Real-time data enhances transparency and accuracy, enabling users to react promptly to market fluctuations and capitalize on trading opportunities.

  • Wide Range of Trading Instruments: FXBITMARKET offers a wide range of trading instruments, including forex, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies.


  • Lack of Regulation: FXBITMARKET operates without regulation, which raises questions regarding the safety and security of users' funds and trading activities.

  • Slow Customer Support Response: Users experience slow customer support response times when seeking assistance or resolving issues with their accounts.

  • Limited Educational Resources: FXBITMARKET offers limited educational resources for traders looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in trading.

Market Instruments

FXBITMARKET offers access to a wide range of trading instruments across various markets, serving the needs of different investor profiles. Here's a breakdown of their key asset classes:

  1. Forex:

The core offering of FXBITMARKET, featuring over 80 major, minor, and exotic currency pairs. This includes popular choices like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY, alongside less-traded currencies like TRY/MXN and NZD/CAD.

Market Instruments
  1. Contracts for Difference (CFDs):

Trade on the price movements of various underlying assets without physical ownership through CFDs. FXBITMARKET provides CFDs on a wide range of instruments, including:

  • Indices: Track major global indices like the S&P 500, FTSE 100, and Nikkei 225.

  • Commodities: Gain exposure to precious metals like gold and silver, along with energy commodities like oil and natural gas.

  • Shares: Trade CFDs on individual stocks of leading companies across various sectors and regions.

  1. Cryptocurrencies:

FXBITMARKET offers CFDs on popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple, allowing you to speculate on their volatile price movements.

Account Types

FXBITMARKET offers a Standard Account type, which provides users with leverage of up to 1:500, allowing for potentially amplified trading positions. The spread for this account starts from 1.0 pip, providing users with visibility into the costs associated with their trades.

Importantly, FXBITMARKET does not charge any commission for trades made through the Standard Account, which appeals to users seeking cost-effective trading options. The minimum deposit requirement for opening a Standard Account is $50, making it accessible to a wide range of traders, including those with limited capital.

Additionally, FXBITMARKET offers a Demo Account feature, allowing users to practice trading strategies without risking real funds, which can be beneficial for both novice and experienced traders.

The Standard Account operates on a web-based trading platform, offering convenience and accessibility for users who prefer to trade via their web browser.

Feature Standard Account
Leverage Up to 1:500
Spread Starting from 1.0 pip
Commission No commission
Minimum Deposit $50
Demo Account Yes
Trading Tool Web-based trading platform

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with FXBITMARKET, follow these concrete steps:

  1. Registration:

  • Visit the FXBITMARKET website and locate the “Register” button.

  • Fill out the registration form with accurate personal information, including name, email address, phone number, and country of residence.

  • Create a secure password for your account and agree to the terms and conditions provided by FXBITMARKET.

2. Account Verification:

  • After completing the registration process, FXBITMARKET requires you to verify your identity to comply with regulatory requirements.

  • Upload clear and valid identification documents, such as a government-issued ID (passport, driver's license) and proof of address (utility bill, bank statement).

  • Wait for FXBITMARKET to review and approve your verification documents. This step is crucial for account activation and access to trading functionalities.

3. Fund Your Account:

  • Once your account is verified and activated, log in to the FXBITMARKET platform using your credentials.

  • Navigate to the deposit section and choose your preferred payment method from the options provided (e.g., bank transfer, credit/debit card, e-wallet).

  • Follow the instructions to initiate a deposit transaction and transfer funds into your FXBITMARKET trading account.

  • Upon successful funding, you can start trading various financial instruments offered by FXBITMARKET on their platform.


The maximum leverage offered by FXBITMARKET is up to 1:500. Leverage allows traders to amplify their trading positions, potentially increasing both profits and losses. With a leverage ratio of 1:500, traders can control a larger position size relative to their initial investment, thereby magnifying the impact of market movements on their trading capital.

Spreads & Commissions

FXBITMARKET offers competitive spreads and operates on a commission-free model.

The spreads on trades start from 1.0 pip, indicating the minimal difference between the buying and selling prices of a financial instrument. This transparency in pricing allows traders to assess the cost of their trades more effectively.

Notably, FXBITMARKET does not charge any additional commissions on trades conducted through its platform, contributing to a straightforward fee structure for users. The absence of commissions can be advantageous for traders, especially those who prefer a cost-effective trading environment.

Trading Platform

FXBITMARKET provides a web-based forex trading platform that offers several features.

One notable feature is the Live Forex Charts, which presents real-time forex rates updated every minute from 00:00 GMT on Monday to 21:00 GMT on Friday. This continuous availability allows traders to monitor live rates throughout the week, providing flexibility and convenience. The live rates are displayed in quote tables, forex trading charts, and a currency converter tool, enabling users to convert currency at the current live exchange rates. Additionally, Live Forex includes a currency sentiment indicator on its rate pages, offering users a quick overview of the general sentiment for popular currency cross rates.

Furthermore, FXBITMARKET extends the functionality of its platform beyond individual traders by offering Free Webmaster Tools. These tools include a real-time currency quote table and live currency converter that webmasters can embed on their websites, blogs, or MySpace pages. This feature allows webmasters to provide their visitors with access to real-time forex rates and currency conversion tools, enhancing the overall user experience on their platforms.

Overall, FXBITMARKET's trading platform provides users with convenient access to live forex rates, charts, and currency conversion tools, along with additional resources for webmasters to integrate into their online platforms.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

FXBITMARKET offers users a variety of payment methods to facilitate deposits into their trading accounts. These methods include credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers, providing flexibility for users to choose the option that best suits their preferences and needs. Credit and debit card payments allow for quick and convenient deposits, as users can use their existing cards to fund their trading accounts securely. E-wallets offer another convenient option, enabling users to transfer funds electronically from their e-wallet accounts to their FXBITMARKET trading accounts. Popular e-wallet options include PayPal, Skrill, or Neteller, providing users with additional flexibility in managing their finances.

Regarding the minimum deposit requirement, FXBITMARKET imposes a minimum deposit of $50 for users looking to fund their trading accounts. This minimum deposit amount provides accessibility to a wide range of traders, including those with smaller capital to invest.

By setting a relatively low minimum deposit requirement, FXBITMARKET accommodates traders with varying financial circumstances, allowing them to participate in trading activities without the need for substantial upfront capital.

Customer Support

FXBITMARKET provides customer support via phone at +13865162714 and email at SUPPORT@FXBITMARKET.COM

FXBITMARKET's customer support is notoriously inadequate. Users frequently encounter long wait times and unresponsive communication channels when reaching out for assistance. Many report frustration with unresolved issues due to the lack of timely and effective support. Attempts to contact them via phone often lead to unanswered calls or perpetual holding. Email inquiries to SUPPORT@FXBITMARKET.COM often result in generic responses or no reply at all, leaving customers feeling ignored and abandoned. Overall, FXBITMARKET's customer support is characterized by inefficiency, poor responsiveness, and a disregard for user dissatisfaction, contributing to a negative user experience.

Customer Support


In conclusion, while XBITMARKET offers a range of advantages such as a user-friendly trading platform, competitive spreads, and accessibility with a low minimum deposit requirement, it also faces notable disadvantages.

The lack of regulation is a significant risk, as it potentially exposes users to risks associated with unregulated trading environments, including inadequate investor protection measures. Additionally, the slow customer support response times and limited educational resources detract from the overall user experience, hindering the ability of traders to effectively navigate and make informed decisions in the financial markets.


Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account with XBITMARKET?

A: The minimum deposit requirement is $50.

Q: Does XBITMARKET offer leverage for trading?

A: Yes, XBITMARKET provides leverage of up to 1:500.

Q: What types of trading instruments are available on XBITMARKET?

A: XBITMARKET offers a variety of trading instruments, including forex, CFDs, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: How can I contact customer support at XBITMARKET?

A: You can contact customer support via email or phone.

Q: Is XBITMARKET regulated by any financial authority?

A: No, XBITMARKET is not regulated by any financial authority

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company
  • +13865162714









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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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