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China|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Spreadex · WikiFX Survey

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Spreadex · Company Summary

Information Details
Company Name Spreadex
Registered Country/Region China
Founded in Established for 1-2 year
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Foreign exchangeIndex CFDPrecious metalDigital currency
Trading Platforms MT4 trading platform and Hypertrading
Minimum Deposit N/A
Maximum Leverage N/A
Account Types Standard and ECN trading accounts
Spreads & Commission N/A
Deposit & Withdrawal Methods BARCLAYSCOMMERZBANKcitibankJPMorganChaseHSBCNOMURA
Education Resources N/A
Customer Support E-mail only

Overview of Spreadex

Spreadex is a forex and CFDs broker based in China, which provides online forex and CFD brokerage services It has been established for 1-2 years but is not regulated by any reputable regulatory agency. The company offers various market instruments, including foreign exchange, index CFDs, precious metals, and digital currencies. Traders can access the MT4 trading platform for their trading activities. Specific information regarding minimum deposit, maximum leverage, account types, spreads, and commission is not available. Deposit and withdrawal methods include BARCLAYS, COMMERZBANK, Citibank, JPMorganChase, HSBC, and NOMURA. Unfortunately, there are no educational resources provided, and customer support is only available via email. Additionally, there are no FAQs available on the company's website. Please note that due to the lack of regulation and limited information, caution should be exercised when considering trading with Spreadex.


Is Spreadex legit or a scam?

To assess the credibility of a broker, it is important to consider their regulatory status. Reputable regulatory agencies like the FCA or CySEC play a crucial role in ensuring a broker's legitimacy. However, it seems that Spreadex lacks valid regulatory information. Let's examine its safety and reliability more closely. Spreadex presents itself as an established trader and a favored platform among traders worldwide. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the company does not possess a legitimate foreign exchange license, which raises concerns about its credibility. Based on this information, it is possible that Spreadex may not be a legitimate forex broker, and traders could potentially face risks when investing through this platform.

To safeguard your funds and ensure their security, it is vital to trade with brokers that are properly regulated. Regulated brokers are obligated to adhere to specific standards and regulations designed to protect traders. These regulations often include client compensation schemes, which can reimburse a certain amount in the event of insolvency. They may also require segregated accounts to keep your funds separate from the broker's operational expenses. Additionally, regulated brokers are subject to minimum capital requirements to ensure they have sufficient funds to cover outstanding payments to traders. Furthermore, negative balance protection is typically provided, preventing you from losing more money than you have deposited. Consequently, it is advisable for traders to exercise increased caution when dealing with unregulated brokers and to conduct thorough due diligence before investing their funds.

Pros and cons

Spreadex offers a diverse range of trading instruments, including foreign exchange, index, crude oil, gold & silver, and CFDs. It also provides a user-friendly trading platform MT4 and a mobile version trading platform named Hypertradingwhich is suitable for iPhone, iPad, and Android phones, allowing customers to trade anytime, anywhere. Traders can contact with its customer support team 24/7.

However, it's important to note that Spreadex lacks specific regulation, which may raise concerns about their credibility. It does not provide educational resources for traders, and it does not offer a demo account for practice. The lack of essential information on account types and spreads can also be a drawback. Additionally, Spreadex does not specify its minimum deposit requirements.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of trading instruments available No specific regulation
A user-friendly trading platform MT4 No educational resources
Mobile version trading platform Not offering a demo account
24/7 customer support lack of essential information on account types, spreads
Wild deposit & withdrawal methods Minimum deposit requirements not specified

Market Instruments

Spreadex offers most of the market instruments that most traders offer, including foreign exchange, index, crude oil, gold & silver, and CFDs to cater to diverse range of needs of various traders. Here is how it compares to what other brokers are offering.

Currency Stocks Indices gold & silver foreign exchange
Spreadex ×
FP Markets

Account Types

Spreadex offers two types of trading accounts, including Standard and ECN trading accounts, to cater to the different needs of its customers. However, it is less competitive compared with other traders in the market, such as Global Trading247, which offers four different account types, including Mini, Standard, Executive, and VIP Accounts to cater to the diverse needs of various traders. Moreover, Spreadex does not offer a demo account, which may be a disadvantage for traders who prefer to test their strategies and gain experience in a risk-free environment.

It's important to consider these factors when choosing a trading firm that aligns with your specific trading needs and preferences. Conducting thorough research and comparing different traders can help you make an informed decision that suits your trading style and goals.

How to Open an Account?

The steps to opening an account on spreadex are very simple. To open an account with Spreadex, please follow the steps below:

1. Visit the Spreadex website at

2. Locate the “Start trading” button on the website's homepage and click on the button to initiate the account opening process.


3. You will be directed to a registration form where you need to provide personal information such as your full name, email address, and contact details.


4. Once you have completed the registration form, review the terms and conditions, as well as any other legal agreements, presented by Spreadex. If you agree to the terms and conditions, click on the checkbox or confirmation button to acknowledge your consent. Proceed to submit the registration form.

5. After completing the verification process, you will receive a confirmation email or notification from Spreadex indicating that your account has been successfully opened.

6. Log in to your newly created Spreadex account using the credentials (username and password) you provided during the registration process. Once logged in, you can explore the trading platform, deposit funds into your account, and start trading according to your preferences.

Trading Platform

The MT4 platform is a widely used trading platform that offers advanced features and convenience. It provides investors with a comprehensive solution for online trading, technical analysis, and smart trading. Additionally, the platform offers various tools and support to help investors enhance their trading skills. It includes features like EA, free VPS, position monitoring, no trading restrictions, visibility of Micron account on the Origin platform, and flexible order options such as lock, stop loss, and profit.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Spreadex provides a variety of convenient and secure deposit and withdrawal methods for its clients. Among the reputable financial institutions that Spreadex supports are Barclays, Commerzbank, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, and Nomura. These well-established banks offer a reliable and trusted platform for conducting financial transactions. By partnering with these renowned institutions, Spreadex ensures that its customers have access to a wide range of banking options, enabling them to seamlessly deposit and withdraw funds from their trading accounts. Whether clients prefer traditional banking channels or online transactions, Spreadex strives to accommodate their preferences and facilitate efficient deposit and withdrawal processes.

Deposit steps:

Step 1: Click “Account Login” on the homepage of the official website to open the system login interface and enter the registered user name and password.


Step 2: Click “Account Deposit”, enter the deposit amount, and select the corresponding currency exchange channel at the payment channel

Step 3: After selecting the payment channel, transfer the funds that need to be purchased for foreign exchange according to the account provided by the exchange acceptor.

Step 4: After uploading the remittance voucher, click Deposit and wait for the balance to be automatically recharged successfully. Please contact the customer in time if the recharge is not received within 2 hours.

Customer Support

Regrettably, Spreadex only provides contact information through e-mail for traders to contact its customer support team, though it promises to offer traders customer support 24/7. This limited contact information raises concerns. In the event that traders encounter any difficulties or need assistance during their trading journey, the absence of proper channels for communication may hinder their ability to address and resolve these issues promptly.

Maintaining effective communication channels is of utmost importance for a trustworthy broker. It enables traders to seek guidance, resolve concerns, and ensure a smooth trading experience. Therefore, it is advisable for traders to consider brokers that prioritize transparent and accessible communication, providing reliable channels for support and assistance.



In conclusion, Spreadex presents a diverse range of trading instruments, a user-friendly platform, and convenient mobile trading capabilities. However, it lacks specific regulation, educational resources, a demo account, and essential information on account types and spreads. It provides 24/7 customer support, a wide range of deposit and withdrawal methods, fast transaction execution, low margin requirements, and low-cost transactions. Traders should carefully consider these factors and evaluate their individual priorities before deciding to use Spreadex as their trading platform.


Q: What is Spreadex?

A: Spreadex is an online trading platform that offers a wide range of financial products, including spread betting and CFD trading on various markets such as forex, indices, shares, and commodities.

Q: What markets can I trade on Spreadex?

A: Spreadex provides a wide range of markets for trading, including forex (foreign exchange), indices, shares, commodities, and more. This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of various market opportunities.

Q: What are the account types offered by Spreadex?

A: Spreadex offers two types of trading accounts: Standard and ECN (Electronic Communication

Network). The Standard account is suitable for most traders, while the ECN account is designed for more experienced traders seeking direct market access and tighter spreads.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds with Spreadex?

A: Spreadex offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and electronic wallets. You can choose the method that is most convenient for you within the supported options.

Q: Are there any fees or commissions for trading with Spreadex?

A: Spreadex does not specify on its website whether it charges a commission, nor does it mention other non-trading fees.

Q: Can I trade with Spreadex on the go?

A: Yes, Spreadex provides a mobile trading platform that allows you to trade on the go using your smartphone or tablet. The mobile platform offers the same functionality as the desktop version, ensuring that you can stay connected to the markets and manage your trades anytime, anywhere.

Broker Information

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Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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