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United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 2033768582
15 Canada Square, London E14 5GL, United Kingdom


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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BitBlanco · WikiFX Survey

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BitBlanco · Company Summary

BitBlanco Review Summary in 8 Points
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments CFDs on cryptocurrencies, Forex, stocks, indices, commodities
Demo Account Unavailable
Max. Leverage 1:200
Trading Platforms Phones, laptops, and tablet
Minimum Deposit $250
Customer Support Phone: +44 2033768582; Website:; Address: 15 Canada Square, London E14 5GL, United Kingdom; Email:

What is BitBlanco?

BitBlanco's homepage

BitBlanco is a seasoned online trading platform dedicated to enhancing the trading experience for users of all levels. By prioritizing flexibility, the platform caters to both novice and veteran traders, offering a comprehensive range of assets including indices, commodities, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. BitBlancos robust platform, equipped with tight spreads and leverage up to 1:200, provides an optimal trading environment across multiple devices.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Wide Range of Trading Instruments Not Regulated
High Security
Various Training Resources
Trader-Centered Features


Wide Range of Trading Instruments: BitBlanco believes in providing every trader with growth opportunities and does not limit them to a single asset type. Whether trading CFDs in cryptocurrencies, Forex, stocks, or other assets, BitBlanco covers all options.

High Security: With a focus on cybersecurity, BitBlanco allows traders to concentrate on the market without the constant worry of cyber threats. The platform employs two-factor authentication to protect user information and uses segregated accounts to keep clients' funds separate from the firms money.

Various Training Resources: BitBlanco emphasizes informed trading by offering numerous educational resources. Traders can enhance their knowledge through eBooks, video tutorials, and by attending informative webinars. Additionally, the demo feature provides hands-on experience to help traders study the market carefully before executing trades.

Trader-Centered Features: The BitBlanco platform, designed by traders for traders, includes features aimed at facilitating profitable trades. With tools like price charts and trading signals crafted with the end-user in mind, traders can make better decisions and stay focused on the market.


Not Regulated: BitBlanco operates without full regulatory approval from major financial authorities, which raises concerns about the safety and security of clients' funds.

Is BitBlanco Legit?

No license

BitBlanco, though not currently regulated, asserts its legitimacy through transparent business practices and adherence to legal standards. The firm is actively seeking full regulatory approval, a process that takes time due to stringent scrutiny. In the meantime, BitBlanco operates with the necessary licenses and maintains a registered office, emphasizing its commitment to transparency and accountability.

The company provides secure and diverse trading opportunities, backed by educational resources and advanced tools, and has built a reputable presence in the market. Investors are encouraged to verify credentials and contact the firm directly, ensuring confidence while the firm awaits regulatory approval.

Market Instruments

BitBlanco provides a comprehensive range of market instruments, ensuring that every trader has the opportunity to diversify their trading portfolio and achieve growth. The platform supports trading in various asset types, including CFDs on cryptocurrencies, Forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and more.

Account Types

Account Types
Account Types

BitBlanco offers a tiered range of trading accounts designed to cater to various levels of investment and trading experience.

Starting with the Bronze Account, which requires a minimum deposit of €10,000, BitBlanco provides options for traders who are perhaps newer to the financial markets or looking for a lower entry point.

The account offerings progressively increase in terms of the minimum deposit required, with the Silver Account at €25,000 and the Gold Account at €50,000, offering enhanced features and benefits suitable for more serious investors.

For high-net-worth individuals or institutional traders, BitBlanco introduces the Platinum Account at €100,000 and the Diamond Account at €250,000, which likely come with additional premium services and capabilities.

The Premium and VIP Accounts require significantly higher deposits of €500,000 and €1,000,000 respectively, targeting elite traders seeking exclusive access to comprehensive market insights and personalized trading support.

This structured account system allows BitBlanco to meet diverse client needs effectively while providing tailored trading experiences.


BitBlanco enhances trading opportunities by offering leverage of up to 1:200, enabling traders to amplify their positions and potentially achieve significant gains across various asset types. This high leverage ratio allows users to control larger positions with a relatively small amount of capital, making it possible to maximize returns on their investments.

Spreads & Commissions

BitBlanco is committed to providing a transparent and cost-effective trading experience by offering regular spreads and eliminating commissions on deposits, withdrawals, and trades. Users only pay the spread on a trade, which is the difference between the buying and selling price, calculated in real time to reflect current market conditions. This approach ensures that there are no hidden fees or extra charges, making the platform accessible and straightforward.

Trading Platforms

BitBlanco's trading platform offers a comprehensive and user-friendly experience for traders of all levels. Designed with a focus on accessibility and functionality, the platform is optimized for use across various devices, including phones, laptops, and tablets. The intuitive interface simplifies the trading process, making it easy for beginners to get started while providing advanced tools and features for seasoned traders. Security is a top priority, with enhanced encryption and two-factor authentication safeguarding user data and transactions.

Additionally, the platform includes valuable trading tools such as technical analysis, charting, and alerts, and offers a demo version for users to practice and familiarize themselves without financial risk. With its blend of convenience, security, and advanced features, BitBlanco's trading platform stands out as a reliable choice for traders looking to optimize their trading strategies.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Minimum deposit requirement

BitBlanco offers a variety of secure and efficient methods for deposits and withdrawals, catering to diverse user preferences. Wire transfers provide a safe, albeit slower, option, taking 3 to 5 days for completion. For immediate access to funds, users can opt for credit or debit card transactions, with support for both VISA and Mastercard, allowing instant deposits up to $250 per transaction upon bank confirmation.

Internet Funds Transfer through Skrill and Neteller offers a cost-effective and user-friendly alternative, with Skrill facilitating international transfers without fees and Neteller providing free transfers within its operational countries.

Additionally, crypto wallet transfers enable quick funding from digital wallets, helping users avoid conversion fees and maximize their trading capital. The straightforward deposit and withdrawal process ensures that users can easily manage their funds, enhancing their trading experience on BitBlanco.

Besides, BitBlanco offers different account types, each with its own minimum deposit requirement. For those opting for a high-tier trading account, a higher initial deposit is expected, reflecting the advanced features and benefits available at that level. Conversely, traders looking for a straightforward and accessible entry point can start with a basic account, which requires a minimum deposit of just $250.

Customer Service

BitBlanco accepts contact primarily through phone and physical address.


Address: 15 Canada Square, London E14 5GL, United Kingdom

Phone number: Support - +442035148314; Trading - +442033768582

Contact info


BitBlanco is dedicated to providing the best in online trading education, ensuring that traders of all levels have access to the resources they need to improve their skills and knowledge. Understanding that trading can often feel like a solitary endeavor, BitBlanco breaks this mold by offering comprehensive educational support.

Traders can benefit from one-on-one sessions with industry experts, gaining personalized insights and guidance. Additionally, the platform features a variety of learning materials, including dedicated videos on various trading topics and in-depth blogs and articles that explore trading theories and strategies. By offering these educational tools, BitBlanco empowers its users to trade more effectively and confidently, fostering a community of well-informed and successful traders.


In conclusion, BitBlanco offers a comprehensive and user-friendly trading platform with a diverse range of market instruments, tight spreads, and leverage options up to 1:200. The platform's focus on education, robust customer support, and advanced security measures makes it an attractive choice for traders seeking to enhance their skills and trading performance.

However, it is important to note that BitBlanco operates as an unregulated entity, which means it is not overseen by any formal financial regulatory body. Despite this, BitBlanco's commitment to transparency, efficiency, and continuous improvement positions it as a valuable partner for those looking to succeed in the trading world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1: Is BitBlanco regulated?
Answer 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation.
Question 2: Does BitBlanco offer demo accounts?
Answer 2: No.
Question 3: What is the minimum deposit for BitBlanco?
Answer 3: The minimum initial deposit to open an account is $250.
Question 4: Is BitBlanco a good broker for beginners?
Answer 4: No. It offers a comprehensive range of assets though, don't forget the fact that they are unregulated currently.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +44 2033768582

  • +44 2035148314









Company address
  • 15 Canada Square, London E14 5GL, United Kingdom









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary


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