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Polish Financial Supervision Authority

Year 2006Regulated by Government

"The Polish Financial Supervision Authority commenced its activities on September 19th 2006, i.e. the date when the Act on Financial Market Supervision of July 21st 2006 (Dz. U. of 2006, No. 157, item 1119, as amended) came into force. The new regulator took over the duties of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Commission and the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, which were abolished by the said Act. As of January 1st 2008, the PFSA took over the duties of the Commission for Banking Supervision. The main task of PFSA is to ensure the orderly functioning and safe development of the financial market. Meanwhile, the vision is to provide a safe financial market for all participants. In regard to this, PFSA have taken active action, such as using the most modern technologies to manage information and knowledge as well as provide a high level of trust among supervised entities and stakeholders in the financial market. "

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Notification of suspected criminal offence punishable under Article 178 of the Act on trading in financial instruments (engaging in activities in the field of trading in financial instruments without the required authorisation or power of attorney)

Finlay – operating under the commercial name Finlay or Finlay Capital, using the website:;; – through Widdershins Group Ltd The entity is not registered in Poland Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw Notification under Article 178 in conjunction with Article 69(2) point 2 and 3 of the Act on trading in financial instruments. Notification made by the UKNF.
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