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Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong

Year 1989Regulated by Government

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is an independent statutory body set up in 1989 to regulate Hong Kong's securities and futures markets. The SFC derives its investigative, remedial and disciplinary powers from the Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) and subsidiary legislation. Operationally independent of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the SFC is funded mainly by transaction levies and licensing fees. As a financial regulator in an international financial centre, the SFC strives to strengthen and protect the integrity and soundness of Hong Kong's securities and futures markets for the benefit of investors and the industry.

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  • Disclosure time 2022-08-17
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SFC issues restriction notices to brokerages to freeze client accounts linked to suspected insider trading

Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) to BRIGHT International (Hong Kong) Limited (Yiu Cai) issued a restriction notice prohibiting the company from disposing or dealing with certain assets in a client account holding alleged insider trading proceeds (Notes 1, 2 and 3). Bright Talent fully cooperates with the investigation of the Securities Regulatory Commission and is not the subject of investigation by the Securities Regulatory Commission on suspected insider trading. The restriction notice does not affect Bright Talent's operations or the company's other clients. The SFC considers that it is advisable in the interest of the investing public or the public interest to issue a restriction notice to prohibit the dissipation of suspected insider trading proceeds held in the account. The SEC investigation is still ongoing. End note: This restriction notice is issued pursuant to sections 204 and 205 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. The restriction notice prohibits Yaocai from disposing or dealing in any way without the prior written consent of the SFC, or assisting, counseling or procuring another person to dispose or deal with any assets in the account in any way (in the form of up to a certain amount), including: (i) entering into transactions in respect of any securities; (ii) processing any withdrawal or transfer of securities and/or cash at the direction of any authorized person for the account or any person acting on his behalf ; (iii) dispose of or deal with any securities and/or cash at the direction of any authorized person for the account or any person acting on his behalf; and (iv) assist another person in disposing of or dealing in the manner specified above the relevant assets. Bright Cai must also notify the SFC if it receives any instructions in relation to the restrictions specified above. Bright Cai is a corporation licensed under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry on Type 1 (dealing in securities), Type 4 (advising on securities) and Type 7 (providing automated trading services) regulated activities. Last updated on August 17, 2022
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