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20 pieces of exposure in total


Could you please tell me if your company can give me an explanation? It caused the liquidation of the position. I have been dealing with it for a week and there is no answer.

The liquidated capital is 1000. There has been no reply since last week.

Singapore Singapore 2023-12-11
Singapore Singapore 2023-12-11

Caused me to liquidate my position

Deposit 1,000 principal in your company. As a result, I couldn't close the position when I made a profit in trading. And my position was liquidated.

Singapore Singapore 2023-12-07
Singapore Singapore 2023-12-07
Unable to Withdraw


TMGM they are scamers. refer you to deposit via methods that dont provide to withdrawal. not allowing withdrawal of your funds

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-10-13
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-10-13

I have been cheated

I make a transfer 1️⃣: Choose 6850 investment amount 40% profit (commission 2740) 2️⃣: Choose 8640 investment amount 40% profit (commission 3456) 3️⃣: Choose 9760 investment amount 60% profit (commission 5856) AND I made the transfer of 6850 so that they would give me profits but they didn't give me anything. The account that I made the transfer to is 646810146404573528 And the name of the account holder is Mauricio Bastar Ortega Please help me

Mexico Mexico 2023-10-07
Mexico Mexico 2023-10-07
Severe Slippage

Tmgm slips badly, closes accounts privately, rogue behavior! Give me my money back!

Tmgm You closed my account privately, slippage is serious, causing me liquidation, rogue behavior, give me back my money! Tmgm, you are an irregular platform! Don't cheat people again!

United States United States 2023-10-05
United States United States 2023-10-05
Severe Slippage

Failure to match orders or slip orders causes losses to investors

Always do not match all orders, buy, sell, cut profits, cut losses (limit, stop, TP, SL, the loss always belongs to the investor. Everyone should not participate to avoid bitterness. Whoever accidentally enters You should exit quickly. The following is just a typical order. Setting SL 1838.10 then cutting 1838.04 will cause you to lose money.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-10-03
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-10-03
Severe Slippage

SL slipping TMGM floor

TMGM floor slips SL, sets positive SL but cuts negative

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-09-22
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-09-22
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

People, TMGM is a scam exchange. To allow withdraw, you will need permission from someone who brought u there. I don’t even know if the trading is real, every feels wrong, call and put,?u got to select whether to go long or Short first . The morning I’m set eth withdraw.,lost it of course, left with 700, tried to make a withdrawals, it’s still stuck there , guess I’ll never see that again. Once your money is in there, it’s up to them whether to let u withdraw or not, we can’t withdraw at will, it’s a trap. Feel free to call the scammer to ask her about the the exchange, she will be more then helpful

United States United States 2023-08-26
United States United States 2023-08-26

Tmgm has serious slippage, and the platform suspended customer accounts without authorization, resulting in a loss of $3370.2

On September 13, 2022, the Tmgm platform system was unstable and had serious slippage, causing our 1.7 lots of gold to lose 3370.2[d83d][dcb2]. After the incident, it was reported to the platform account manager that the account manager had an arrogant attitude. At noon the next day, without our consent, my account was blocked at will, and the account balance of 614[d83d][dcb2] was not refunded. Immediately close the communication loss. We strongly request the Tmgm platform to compensate USD 3370 and refund USD 614, total: USD 3984. Slippage loss situation on September 13, 2022 1. 0.5 lot, bid price: 1723.51, stop loss: 1728, transaction 1715.62, loss: (1728-1715.62) * 0.5 lot * 100 yuan / lot = 619﹩ 2, 0.5 lot , bid price: 1712.98, stop loss: 1728, transaction 1705.86, loss: (1728-1705.86) * 0.5 lot * 100 yuan / lot = 1107﹩ 3. 0.3 lot, bid price: 1703.36, stop loss: 1728, transaction 1705.24, Loss: (1728-1705.24)*0.3 lots*100 yuan/lot=682.8﹩ Fourth, 0.2 lots, buying price: 1706.60, stop loss: 1728, transaction 1706.75, loss: (1728-1706.75)*0.2 lots*100 yuan/ Lot = 425﹩ 5. 0.2 lot, bid price: 1708.15, stop loss: 1728, transaction 1701.18, loss: (1728-170,1.18) * 0.5 lot * 100 yuan / lot = 536.4﹩ five strokes total: 3370.2

United States United States 2022-09-16
United States United States 2022-09-16
Severe Slippage

The Tmgm platform has serious slippage, and the platform suspended customer accounts without authorization, resulting in a loss of 3370.2[d83d][dcb2]. After communicating with the account manager, he blocked me and lost contact.

On September 13, 2022, the Tmgm platform system was unstable and had serious slippage, causing our 1.7 lots of gold to lose 3370.2[d83d][dcb2]. After the incident, it was reported to the platform account manager that the account manager had an arrogant attitude. At noon the next day, without our consent, my account was blocked at will, and the account balance of 614[d83d][dcb2] was not refunded. Immediately close the communication loss. We strongly request the Tmgm platform to compensate USD 3370 and refund USD 614, total: USD 3984.

United States United States 2022-09-16
United States United States 2022-09-16
Severe Slippage

Tmgm is a gambling platform and cannot be profitable. There is a stop loss, and the position cannot be closed, and the slippage is serious.

The Tmgm platform is a fake platform. It is a gambling platform that cannot make a profit. It has a stop loss and still cannot close a position. The account manager explained that the market was very big yesterday. If the market is very big, the stop loss and profit may be broken. Excuse me, who is still playing on your platform, watching losses and liquidating their positions? This is not the first time that such a thing has happened, and the last time it was impossible to close the position, resulting in serious losses! Tmgm pay back my hard-earned money!

United States United States 2022-09-14
United States United States 2022-09-14
Unable to Withdraw

TMGM absconded when i withdrawal was accessed.

This is fraud it took me a while to realize. Only this TMGM charges brokerage fees to investors in order to withdraw investment and profit. my profit in my trading account was denied withdrawal I invested a lot of money with this firm TMGM, but I haven't yet received any returns from my hard earned money.

United States United States 2022-08-14
United States United States 2022-08-14
Unable to Withdraw

Do not invest with this company

I blamed myself for a long time for not being more cautious but at first i was able to withdraw $200 and for this reason i was blinded to every other faults this broker had I didn't see how this was a gimmick till the fintrack/ org group made me realize i was being ripped off and put together a case got me my deposits from this broker, It will be wise to stay clear of this scam outfit that is TMGM.

Canada Canada 2022-08-05
Canada Canada 2022-08-05

Withdrawal time two week not receive

withdrawal apply again &again bank wire fail, not receive sea method fail not receive thief ceo ,thief Broker thief account Manager

Myanmar Myanmar 2022-07-25
Myanmar Myanmar 2022-07-25

TMGM fraud Broker

Trading account 7131296 TMGM is fraud broker, they have cancel my trade 55.43. I're trade in NOVAVAX sell on 53.02. They were cancel my trade before 1 minutes closing of market. On that time price never goes higher from 53.30, but I amazed how can closed my trade on 55.43. I were multiple emails, chat support team is very non-professional behaviour, they always said we will investigate within 24~48 hours. This is clear scam , what type of investigation required the they did close my trade.

Pakistan Pakistan 2022-05-10
Pakistan Pakistan 2022-05-10
Severe Slippage

Slip more than 100 pips on Tmgm. Scam

The fraud tmgm platform doesn't process orders nor compensates customers who slip more than 100 pips but still says it's customer;s error and doesn't compensate. Stay away from tmgm platform

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-03-17
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-03-17
Unable to Withdraw


cannot withraw and keeps asking for too many fees. have paid 45k already

Philippines Philippines 2022-02-16
Philippines Philippines 2022-02-16
Unable to Withdraw

Expose the fraud broker

The fraud broker doesn't allow u to withdraw funds It only allows you to top up money, not withdraw coins, there are many requirements,

Egypt Egypt 2021-07-01
Egypt Egypt 2021-07-01

pennywise wealth management investment

l deposited $123 on pennywise wealth management. On August 18th they said we should pay sum of $50 for Account maintenance that they'll back by 29th of August but i was wondering why are they not yet back till now.[d83d][de13]

Nigeria Nigeria 2020-09-30
Nigeria Nigeria 2020-09-30

The way to cheat

Give you false account and you can’t transfer the money. Charge service fee when return to the bank. The account manager Alice said she would pay for the fee and transfer the money to me on 15th. However, she delayed to give me the fee and said she should be responsible for my fault. This is the way how they work. Attach the screenshot of our chat.

United States United States 2020-09-15
United States United States 2020-09-15
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