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Please believe and transfer. I was told this and made a deposit, but in the end I was not able to get the loan I had promised and had to apply again.

Please don't embarrass me any further. Must guide other members in their transactions. I'm just a trader. Please understand. I did my best to cooperate and provide ideas as I needed to help. If you complete the transfer of 5 million yen within 29 days, you can apply for a loan and he will handle all the issues immediately. You should be fine on this platform as long as you follow the rules. If we cannot receive the natural gas within 29 days, we cannot help you at that time. Please comply with company rules and ensure smooth delivery of natural gas. thank you. very sorry. I explained as much as I could to the company, but the company agreed to approve 5 million yen. Currently, Mr. Kamata's account balance is $32,000 short of natural gas delivery funds, but he would like to participate in tonight's trade and make a small profit. There will be no problem if you add the rest tomorrow morning. thank you. This time, the natural gas was not delivered on time, which affected the company's credit. Therefore, this time, the company only approved the 5 million yen, but unless it completes the delivery of the natural gas and returns the current loan, it will not be able to apply for the next loan. Please understand. Please rest assured. There will be two trades this evening, and there will be a GDP data market at 10:30 pm, so it is expected that you will be able to earn 10,000 to 20,000 dollars. There will be no problem if you replenish the remaining funds tomorrow.

Japan Japan 2024-02-28 15:29
Japan Japan 2024-02-28 15:29
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