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17 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

VS FX official website declared bankruptcy

VS FX official website declared bankruptcy, saying that the liquidation will take 4 months, and now it is still looking for excuses to delay. In fact, it is taking advantage of these 4 months to transfer assets. I hope that friends who are cheated will report to the police.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-02-21
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-02-21
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform. Absconded

VS fraud platform together with Shen Coco, Pang Longbiao, Liu Yongzhan and other Hong Yun leaders scam investors' hard-earned money! Say that funds will be credited on T+3, 5 working days, the principal is safe, has been in the isolated bank. Everything is fake and fraud. Withdrawal can never be made. Cannot log in MT4 or website. All the investment are gone. Hope to get help.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-02-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-02-11
Unable to Withdraw

Scam. Fraud platform

Fraud platform. Cannot withdraw. Fund have not been withdrawn successfully for several accounts. It has been reviewing for half a year. Never reply the email. Now, the website cannot be accessed. Fraud!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-02-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-02-11

No withdrawal

Induced fraud from Bond’s inability to withdraw money, saying that it was resolved and then transferred to VS. Bond had no income in the first half of the year after arriving at VS, and he still does not give money. Procrastinate, and say that the payment is safe in a separate account... all kinds of arguments... I just need to get back my hard-earned money

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-01-08
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-01-08
Unable to Withdraw

VS FX is unable to withdraw

VS FX is unable to withdraw since Sept 20. 2022. The platform leaders have been using various excuses and reasons to delay. I hope that the relevant departments can help solve it and let the platform return my hard-earned money. Name: Chen Song MT account number: 811156 MT account number: 811154

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-01-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-01-05
Unable to Withdraw

VS FX is unable to withdraw. No more transactions

VS FX is unable to withdraw since Sept. 26 2022. There is no transactions since Dec.17 2022. The platform find various excuses. Now, I lost everything and hope the relevant department to solve it.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-01-03
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-01-03
Unable to Withdraw

From Bond to Wasion

Bond was unable to withdraw funds at the end of July, and it was delayed until mid-September. He said that he would change the broker and transfer the funds to Wasion. It still could not withdraw funds until November 22nd, and I have called the police to collect evidence.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-11-22
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-11-22

Unable to withdraw funds for two weeks, the slippage started to be serious last week!

From the week of October 17th, it was impossible to withdraw funds. It was said that the system was upgraded. Until the week of October 24th, the principal and interest began to drop wildly. I don’t know if the platform is going to run away or what is the problem.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-31
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-10-31

Induce fraud. Unable to withdraw

I met Beltone Fund Pay Xuan Ya Han Zheng Jia Jia through a stock speculation group earlier this year. Since then it has been my nightmare. They said that leading the operation of the original universe index can achieve wealth freedom, I did not resist the temptation and my own desires. Several times into the gold several times burst, to August 31 platform login can not. The deposit and withdrawal sites were cancelled. And at present, I still have my own principal in my account, and I can't take it out. They are a serious inducement to investors.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-02
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-02
Unable to Withdraw


In just a few months, my colleague lost more than $150,000 to VS Fx. It's a pure scam; they will drain you of all your funds without ever paying you back A recent recovery initiative by AssetsClaimBack needs investigation on closing down all this fake investment company many investors keep losing money due to lack of knowledge on trading this needs to stop.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-09-02
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-09-02
Unable to Withdraw

Induce fraud and unable to withdraw

This year is February. I got to know Han Zhengjia, Fu xuanya of BlackRock fund in Hong Kong on QQ, and that was the beginning of my abyss. Keep bursting and helping. Many temptations. The deposit reached US $175000. Up to now, the platform login cannot log in to the deposit and withdrawal page. At present, my account still has principal. An unscrupulous liar. We must be careful to shine our eyes. Don't be fooled again.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-01
Unable to Withdraw

Not a legit platform

Do not trust them. They are not legit like you think. They defraud my 45,000 dollars. My account is locked after deposit. Do not trust VS FX. They are not legit like you think it’s all scam .

United States United States 2022-09-01
United States United States 2022-09-01
Unable to Withdraw

Rip Off

I invested with this firm and they instantly ripped me off. The way I'm being treated doesn't seem fair after i invested huge amount of money in VS FX, and I regret not learning more about them. Simply trying to safeguard the future has led to a great deal of remorse. Please be forewarned. Any firm promising outrageous profit should not be approached they are all piers and scam.

Singapore Singapore 2022-09-01
Singapore Singapore 2022-09-01
Unable to Withdraw


I was introduced to this firm by a friend on twitter I made a sizeable investment with them, they closed down my trading account, causing me to lose all of my investment and still demanding that I pay them additional fees to unlock my account after I tried to withdraw money.

United States United States 2022-09-01
United States United States 2022-09-01
Unable to Withdraw


VS FX held my &98,000 investment money hostage without showing any regret. Never have I experienced poor customer service only with them. They requested more money as a deposit to help me make more profit. They are nothing more than a group of thieves .

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-01
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Induce fraud

I have known Fu Xuanya, Han Zheng and Jiajia of Hong Kong BlackRock Fund in a stock trading group since February this year. In their advocacy of metaverse operations to achieve financial freedom. Unable to stand his inner desire, he opened an account and participated in the operation. He took me three times to help with the liquidation, until now the account cannot be logged in. The total loss was $175,000. I still have money in my account but I can't log in anymore. Black hearted liar.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-08-31
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-08-31
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Scam

The platform cannot be logged in now. It is said that my account or password is wrong. I invest 220k in total.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-08-31
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-08-31
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