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Unable to Withdraw


Withdrawal Rejected: My Name is AWULONU Jude Chukwunyere. I'm an investor in IPCAPITAL, with trading account Number 2800716 I place withdrawal in USDT TRC 20 to my Binance wallet address (TY6aSet5rzq9ZkmNad9Jkoi1UdxkkuZYYT) of $1,943 on 20th of March; $277 on 22nd of March and $6,768 on 27th of March 2022 respectively and all were REJECTED. None were paid; None reflected back to my IPCAPITAL dashboard nor my MT4 account. I hereby appeal for urgent approval of my withdrawals to the wallet address provided above. I expect a positive and swift response. Best Regards.

Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-12 18:18
Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-12 18:18
Unable to Withdraw

Refusal to withdraw capital from IPCAPITAL

He has requested a capital withdrawal from IPCAPITAL They refused the process of withdrawing capital. Support does not respond to me. Please help

Egypt Egypt 2022-04-12 11:04
Egypt Egypt 2022-04-12 11:04
Unable to Withdraw

Claim_Francisco Vidal_Referred ID:IB487571

Dear IPC, I kindly appreciate giving priority to the following cases, which are impacted by the IT events of last March。 We have repeatedly sent an email to the address with the subject "Request_IPC_Francisco Vidal" from the passed 04/05/2022 exposing the details of the case and to date no type of response or Confirmation has been received。 Funds update is required in the Blue Wallet and in the MT4 account since these currently appear $0。 This with the objective of being able to dispose of the sources normally。 My data is:Referred ID:IB487571 MT4 ID:4422658 Name:Francisco Vidal ID:1111796525 Total Available Balance in Blue Wallet:105,899 美元 as of 04/02/2022 Total Available Balance in MT4 ID 4422658:110.10 美元 04/02/2022。 *Line of Sponsorship: Referred ID: IB222726 MT4 ID: 2940654 Name: Brayan Diaz ID: 1111796670 *Line of Referral: Referred ID: IB497342 MT4 ID: 4433918 Name: Juan Camilo Navarro Caicedo Total Available Balance in Blue Wallet: $111,144 at 04/2022 Total Available Balance in MT4 ID 4422658: $1000.10 at 04/02/2022 Thank you Cordially Francisco Vidal

Colombia Colombia 2022-04-12 00:46
Colombia Colombia 2022-04-12 00:46

Request sir to give me new update of iprimecapital

Request sir to give me new update of that this deposit amount and profit amount withdrawal has been stopped

India India 2022-04-11 14:03
India India 2022-04-11 14:03
Unable to Withdraw


You can't see part of the corporate that showing its face, you can't see official information... due to an alleged hacker attack, they say that about 80% of the money lost... just when I'm about to withdraw my money, you can't. They tell me that it will be blocked for 100 days... Nobody knows what is really happening... many affected people, a lot of uncertainty and a response from the money is required as soon as possible.

Colombia Colombia 2022-04-11 12:16
Colombia Colombia 2022-04-11 12:16
Unable to Withdraw


Since March 26th I have my earnings DISAPPEARED without any explanation. On that date I had the sum of 93.68 USDT in my blue wallet. During the week of March 21 to 25, my capital produced profits for 36.86 that were not added and are simply missing, as well as the profits of the following two weeks, as follows: From March 29 to April 02 the sum of 51 .77 and from April 04 to 09 the sum of 63.09. The company does not report them to me in the earnings portfolio. 2. Arbitrarily, without my consent or permission, the company signed me up for robot C, which was never my choice. 3. The system did not return to report the amount that I can withdraw. 4. The system no longer shows the option to be able to withdraw. I demand that my company make my profits available to me and allow me to withdraw both my profits and the capital invested in full.

Colombia Colombia 2022-04-11 08:58
Colombia Colombia 2022-04-11 08:58
Unable to Withdraw

profit amount not rec'd from 21 march

Dear sir , pfa this week profit statement , i have not received my profit from 21 march , no mail reply from IPC , trade done monday to Friday , but profit not transfer our wallet , no information from IPC , pl help .

India India 2022-04-10 17:43
India India 2022-04-10 17:43

trade Done but weekend profit not deposit

Dear sir , from 21 march IPC not give profit amount to our wallet , i have attached this week profit this also not received me, IPC not give any information about this , i also mail but no one replying . pl help .

India India 2022-04-10 17:25
India India 2022-04-10 17:25

Request sir to give me new update of iprimecapital

Request sir to give me new update of that this deposit amount and profit amount withdrawal has been stopped

India India 2022-04-10 15:17
India India 2022-04-10 15:17
Unable to Withdraw

fund not received from 26th march

Dear sir , I was withdrawal my fund on 26th march , fund rejected by IPC , after rejection fund not deposited in main balance , same i was inform to customer a Care , till date no reply from IPC, pl help .

India India 2022-04-10 10:46
India India 2022-04-10 10:46
Unable to Withdraw


They do not update the platform with the goal values, bring 4 and it always appears at 0, it does not allow withdrawing profits for 3 weeks or withdrawing the invested capital, messages are sent to them by technical support email and they never answer, they also eliminated the chat from the company. Please help me get my money back

Colombia Colombia 2022-04-10 01:28
Colombia Colombia 2022-04-10 01:28
Unable to Withdraw

I’m unable to withdraw my capital and profit

I’m unable to withdraw my capital and profit from their system after it has claimed that they lost 80% of funds from internal hacks from their staffs they have rejected withdrawals and we cannot find them on our dashboard including the incurred profits please help to retrieve

Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-10 00:34
Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-10 00:34
Unable to Withdraw

returns of my money

I have two accounts one with and another with user, in total I deposited almost 5500 usdt in the two wallets, in almost a month they have not responded to me about the returns or my money, I want an answer about this, no answer questions, they do not give clarifications of what is happening, they do not let me withdraw my money for anything in the world, I want my money and compensation. Intelligence prime capital doesn't send any answer and a lot of the people scared about the money.

Colombia Colombia 2022-04-09 22:35
Colombia Colombia 2022-04-09 22:35

Is it a scam to take income and not give money for four weeks?

Is it a scam to take income and not give money for four weeks? More invested money and many partner investors don't give everyone money, I don't know why

South Korea South Korea 2022-04-09 21:19
South Korea South Korea 2022-04-09 21:19
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawals that do not arrive and nobody answers

On March 23 I made a withdrawal of $16.66 and on March 26 another for $850, and this is the moment that has not yet arrived, nobody responds, neither support nor anyone, and the status of the operation is Rejected, it seems to me that something is happening Fraudulent. Pay attention!!!!

Colombia Colombia 2022-04-09 19:59
Colombia Colombia 2022-04-09 19:59

profit not reaching my wallet

I subscribed to the IPCapital robot at the end of February 2022 with an amount of around 4000 USD . every weekend the profit earned is withdrawn (by IPCapital) from my MT4 account to my wallet and I return it to the MT4 account to increase my working capital. Since 3 weeks ago, my profit was withdrawn as usual but was not appearing in my wallet and I tried to contact the live chat in vain. That happened for the second week and I sent a message to the customer service and no reply at all was sent to me. last week, my working capital produced 394.98 USD and the same thing happened: the money is withdrawn from my MT4 but does not appear in my IPCapital wallet we’re it’s supposed to be minus their 20% share. This is the situation I would like to resolve before withdrawing my capital. please find attached pictures. I would like to to add that I recently secured my account with a google Authenticator but the situation occurred with the google Authenticator set up.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-04-09 18:52
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-04-09 18:52
Unable to Withdraw

withdrawal withheld and does not pay earnings

On March 27, 2022, I requested a withdrawal of 80% of my capital, it was rejected and to date the return and walle IPC still do not appear nor are the representatives mentioned, I have sent an email which was never answered. The other thing is that it does not pay profits of the 20% that still operates in mt4. point 3 they passed our or balance or the 20% mentioned to another bot named MASTER C and will have retained the money for 100 days and would pay weekly earnings according to the norm, which they are not complying with so little. There are 3 faults that thousands of people owe us a solution and explanation. thank you

Peru Peru 2022-04-09 17:36
Peru Peru 2022-04-09 17:36
Unable to Withdraw


We couldn't withdraw our funds from this broker please, help us. our money is not safe

Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-09 17:23
Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-09 17:23
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal denied

Hi, I'm an ipcapital investor. I can't make my withdrawal, it's rejected. Please, can you solve it as soon as possible? Thanks

Peru Peru 2022-04-09 17:23
Peru Peru 2022-04-09 17:23
Unable to Withdraw

withdrawal issue from 26 March to till

Dear sir ,. I have withdrawal issue from 26 march to tlll date , no company's announcement about withdrawals issue , trade are going on daily , but profit not rec'd in wallet . pl help.

India India 2022-04-09 16:27
India India 2022-04-09 16:27
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