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2018-08-21 22:07 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

GS-Forex fraud platform manipulates clients’ fund and gives no access to withdrawal

In January,2018,a person whose Wechat name was Houdezaiwu(hdzw139,self-proclaimed as Xu Zhenfan) added me,saying that his team Huijin(Later I knew that it develops clients for GS-Forex ),which could help me recover the losses.If I cooperated with them,I should operate in GS-Forex ,in which there was no service charge and low spread,and the commission could be returned.I was induced to open 3 accounts,depositing $26000 in total.There are two ways to cooperate with him. One is that he took me to operate. The other is to provide my account and password to the team to manage the operation and operated by the senior trader.I chose the former at first.As a result, a $3,000 account was quickly lost. Then he said that in order to recover the loss, I can choose to let the team to operate for me.I handed over my VIP account of 20,000 US dollars and password to them. As a result,they bought large share for 70 lots of currency pairs,which made my account over loss within 2 days.The account became negative.But GS-Forex didn’t admit. I realized that I was cheated.After being deceived, I found a legal consulting company on the Internet. This legal company helped me to defend my rights by complaining to Goldman Sachs International’s third-party payment channel. A week later, a surnamed Sun, self-proclaimed as the general manager of GS-Forex , contacted me by phone. After many consultations with him, he agreed to replenish the funds back to my account and promised a successful withdrawal. At their request, I withdrew my complaint.When he replenished the funds back to my account, I also recorded the recordings after he promised a successful withdrawal.After I stepped down the complaint according to Sun’s request, Sun Mou delayed the payment of the e-mail, saying that the third-party payment did not receive the withdrawal e-mail.I haven’t received the fund for 2 months. I asked him for the theory. Instead, he blamed me for losing money in the international foreign exchange market.After the theory fell out, he deactivated my platform account so I could not log in to the platform network background. Later, I complained to the legal advisory company about their third-party
At present, GS-Forex can also log in to the platform website. It also publishes bonus announcements from time to time. It can be seen that this platform has not yet run, but this platform is a fraud platform. Many friends have been deceived. I hope everyone stay away as soon as possible and cherish your hard-earned money.
Attachment:The chat record with GS-Forex and Sun

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


    目前来看,高盛国际这个平台网站还能登陆,还时不时发布赠金公告,可以说这个平台还没有跑路,但是这个平台就是个黑平台,很多炒外汇黄金的朋友都被骗了,希望大家尽快远离,珍惜自己的血汗钱 。


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