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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

White Label

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LiquiBridge-Demo MT4
Server Location United Kingdom


+44 2087196908
Apart 1804, 55 Upper Ground, London, England SE1 9EY


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+44 2087196908

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Company Name

LiquiBridge Limited



Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0550681) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0550681)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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LiquiBridge · Company Summary

Note: LiquiBridges official site - is currently not functional. Therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

General Information

LiquiBridge Review Summary in 10 Points
Founded 1-2 years
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation NFA (Unauthorized)
Market Instruments N/A
Demo Account N/A
Leverage 1:1000
EUR/USD Spread N/A
Trading Platforms MT4
Minimum Deposit $/€1
Customer Support Phone, email, address

What is LiquiBridge?

LiquiBridge is an offshore brokerage company that claims to offer trading on the MT4 platform with low minimum deposit requirement. However, there are some concerns about LiquiBridge's safety and security. The company is not regulated by any financial authority, and their website is currently unavailable.

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons
Pros Cons
• MT4 supported • Unauthorized NFA license
• Multi-channel support • Unavailable website
• Low minimum deposit • Lack of transparency
• Limited industry experience

LiquiBridge Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to LiquiBridge depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • Decode Global (ASIC - regulated): A well-regulated broker with a wide range of trading instruments and tight spreads.

  • TeleTrade (CYSEC - regulated): A good choice for traders who want access to a variety of markets and platforms.

  • ATON (CYSEC - regulated): A good choice for traders who want to trade with a low-cost broker.

Ultimately, the best broker for an individual trader will depend on their specific trading style, preferences, and needs.

Is LiquiBridge Safe or Scam?

There are several red flags that suggest that LiquiBridge is a scam. First, the broker is not regulated by any financial authority. This means that there is no one to oversee the broker's activities and protect investors from fraud. Second, the broker's website is currently unavailable. This could be a sign that the company has been shut down or that it is under investigation. Investors should avoid using this broker and should seek out regulated brokers instead.

NFA license


LiquiBridge offers two types of accounts: Standard and ECN Standard.

  • Standard Account

This account is designed for traders who are new to the forex market or who prefer to trade with a wider range of trading pairs. The minimum deposit requirement for a Standard account is $/€1。

  • ECN Standard Account

This account is designed for experienced traders who are looking for tighter spreads and lower commissions. The minimum deposit requirement for an ECN Standard account is $/€50.


Leverage is a tool that allows traders to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. LiquiBridge offers a maximum leverage of 1:1000, which means that a trader can control a position worth 1000 times their initial deposit.

For example, if a trader deposits $100 and uses 1:1000 leverage, they can control a position worth $100,000. This means that the trader can make a profit of $1000 for every $1 that the price of the asset moves in their favor.

However, it is important to note that leverage is a double-edged sword. It can magnify profits, but it can also magnify losses. If the price of the asset moves against the trader, they could lose more money than they deposited.

Therefore, it is important to use leverage carefully and to understand the risks involved.

Trading Platforms

LiquiBridge offers two trading platforms: MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and LiquiBridge WebTrader.

  • MetaTrader 4 (MT4)

MT4 is a popular trading platform that is used by millions of traders around the world. It is a powerful platform that offers a wide range of features, including charting, technical analysis, and automated trading.

LiquiBridge's MT4 platform is customized with additional features, such as the ability to trade crypto CFDs.

  • LiquiBridge WebTrader

LiquiBridge WebTrader is a web-based trading platform that allows you to trade from any device with an internet connection. It is a more basic platform than MT4, but it still offers a wide range of features, including charting, technical analysis, and order execution.

See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platform
LiquiBridge MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Decode Global MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
TeleTrade MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), cTrader
ATON MetaTrader 4 (MT4), cTrader

As you can see, all of the brokers offer MetaTrader 4 (MT4) as a trading platform. MT4 is a popular platform that is used by millions of traders around the world. It is a powerful platform that offers a wide range of features, including charting, technical analysis, and automated trading.

Decode Global and TeleTrade also offer MetaTrader 5 (MT5), which is a newer version of MT4. MT5 offers some additional features, such as the ability to trade more instruments and the ability to use algorithmic trading.

TeleTrade and ATON also offer cTrader, which is a newer platform that is designed to be more user-friendly than MT4. cTrader also offers some additional features, such as the ability to trade on margin and the ability to use social trading.

Ultimately, the best trading platform for you will depend on your individual trading style and preferences. If you are a technical trader who wants to use advanced charting and technical analysis tools, then MT4 or MT5 may be a good option for you. If you are a more casual trader who wants a simple platform that is easy to use, then cTrader may be a better choice.

Deposits & Withdrawals

LiquiBridge claims to accept deposits via credit/debit card, wire transfer, FasaPay, Neteller, Skrill, StickPay, PerfectMoney, etc. However, only the popular cryptocurrency Tether is available. This means that you can only deposit and withdraw funds to and from your LiquiBridge account using USDT.

LiquiBridgeminimum deposit vs other brokers

LiquiBridge Most other
Minimum Deposit $/€1 $100

Customer Service

LiquiBridge provides customer service options to address the needs of its clients. Customers can contact LiquiBridge's support team through phone at +44 2087196908 or via email at These channels allow customers to reach out directly with their inquiries, concerns, or requests for assistance. Additionally, company address is revealed openly - Apart 1804, 55 Upper Ground, London, England SE1 9EY.

Pros Cons
• Phone and email support • No 24/7 support
• Address is revealed openly • No live chat support
• No social media presence

Note: These pros and cons are subjective and may vary depending on the individual's experience with LiquiBridge's customer service.


Overall, LiquiBridge is a relatively new brokerage company with a lot of potential risks. There are some concerns about LiquiBridge's safety and security. The broker is not regulated by any financial authority, and their website is currently unavailable. Please be aware of the risk!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is LiquiBridge regulated?
A 1: No. Their National Futures Association (NFA, No. 0550681) license is unauthorized.
Q 2: Does LiquiBridge offer the industry leading MT4 & MT5?
A 2: Yes. It supports MT4.
Q 3: What is the minimum deposit for LiquiBridge?
A 3: The minimum initial deposit to open an account is $/€1.
Q 4: Is LiquiBridge a good broker for beginners?
A 4: No. It is not a good choice for beginners. Not only because of its unregulated condition, but also because of its inaccessible website.

Review 4

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