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HKJR · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name HKJR
Registered Country/Area China
Founded year 2013
Regulation Non-regulated
Minimum Deposit USD 50
Maximum Leverage 1:400
Spreads From 1.0 pips
Trading Platforms MT4
Tradable assets Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities
Account Types Standard, Islamic
Demo Account Yes
Customer Support
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit/Debit cards, Bank transfers

Overview of HKJR

HKJR is a Chinese forex broker established in 2013. It is not regulated by any major financial authority and offers a variety of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, and commodities. The minimum deposit for trading with HKJR is USD 50, and the maximum leverage is 1:400. Spreads start from 1.0 pips, and traders have access to the MT4 trading platform. HKJR offers two account types: Standard and Islamic. The Standard account is suitable for most traders, while the Islamic account is designed for traders who follow Islamic principles.

HKJR also provides a demo account so that traders can practice their trading skills before risking real money. Customer support is available 24/5 by phone and email. Deposits can be made using credit/debit cards or bank transfers, and withdrawals are typically processed within 24 hours. HKJR also offers a variety of educational resources to help traders learn about the forex market and improve their trading skills.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Trading Instruments Not Regulated by Major Financial Authority
Low Minimum Deposit of USD 50 Limited Stock Selection
Maximum Leverage of 1:400 Limited Information on Withdrawal Process
Demo Account for Practice
24/5 Customer Support via Phone and Email
Educational Resources and Webinars


  1. Diverse Trading Instruments: HKJR offers a variety of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, and commodities. This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and engage in different markets.

  2. Low Minimum Deposit: The minimum deposit required to start trading with HKJR is USD 50. This low entry barrier makes it accessible to a wide range of traders, including those who are new to the financial markets.

  3. Maximum Leverage of 1:400: HKJR provides a maximum leverage of 1:400, allowing traders to control larger positions with a relatively smaller amount of capital. This can amplify potential profits, though it also increases the risk of significant losses.

  4. Demo Account for Practice: The availability of a demo account allows traders to practice and refine their trading strategies without risking real money. This is beneficial for both beginners and experienced traders.

  5. 24/5 Customer Support: HKJR provides customer support services 24 hours a day, five days a week. This ensures that clients can seek assistance and resolve queries during active trading hours.


  1. Not Regulated by Major Financial Authority: HKJR is not regulated by any major financial authority. The absence of regulatory oversight poses a higher risk to traders, as regulated brokers are subject to stricter standards and scrutiny.

  2. Limited Stock Selection: While HKJR offers stock trading, the selection of stocks is described as somewhat limited. Traders interested in a broader range of stocks find the options restrictive.

  3. Limited Information on Withdrawal Process: The document does not provide extensive details on the withdrawal process, and traders need to contact customer support or refer to the broker's official documentation for more information.

Regulatory Status

HKJR is a broker that does not hold a license or authorization from any financial regulatory authority. This means that the broker is not subject to the same oversight and scrutiny as regulated brokers. As a result, non-regulated brokers pose a higher risk to traders than regulated brokers. If you are considering trading with a non-regulated broker, you should be aware of the risks involved. It is important to do your research and understand the broker's policies before you deposit any money.

Market Instruments

HKJR is a forex broker that provides a diverse array of financial products and services for its clientele. Among the various trading instruments available, forex trading stands out as a prominent offering. HKJR facilitates the trading of a broad spectrum of forex pairs, encompassing major, minor, and exotic pairs, thereby allowing clients to engage in comprehensive currency trading activities.

In addition to forex, HKJR extends its services to the realm of stock trading. While the selection of stocks is somewhat limited, it includes major indices and blue-chip stocks. This offering provides clients with the opportunity to diversify their portfolios by participating in the equity markets alongside their forex endeavors.

Furthermore, HKJR satisfies those interested in trading indices, offering access to a select number of them. This includes major indices like the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100, enabling clients to speculate on the overall performance of various markets.

Complementing these offerings, HKJR facilitates the trading of commodities, adding an additional dimension to its product portfolio. Clients can engage in the trading of precious metals such as gold and silver, as well as commodities like oil. This allows for exposure to different asset classes, accommodating a broader range of trading strategies.

Market Instruments

Account Types

HKJR offers two account types: Standard and Islamic.

Standard Account

The Standard Account is the most basic account type offered by HKJR. It is suitable for most traders, and it offers a low minimum deposit of USD 50 and a maximum leverage of 1:400. Standard accounts also offer competitive spreads starting from 1.0 pips.

The Standard Account is a good option for traders who are new to forex trading or who are looking for a simple and affordable account. It offers all the essential features that traders need to get started, including access to the MT4 trading platform, a low minimum deposit, and competitive spreads.

Islamic Account

The Islamic Account is designed for traders who follow Islamic principles. It does not charge swaps or rollover fees, which are prohibited by Islamic law. Islamic accounts also offer competitive spreads starting from 1.0 pips.

The Islamic Account is a good option for traders who want to follow Islamic principles while still trading forex. It offers all the same features as the Standard Account, with the added benefit of no swaps or rollover fees.

How to Open an Account?

Open an account with HKJR, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the HKJR website

The first step is to visit the HKJR website and click on the “Open an Account” button.

Step 2: Select your account type

HKJR offers two account types: Standard and Islamic. The Standard Account is the most basic account type, and it is suitable for most traders. The Islamic Account is designed for traders who follow Islamic principles.

Step 3: Complete the account application form

Once you have selected your account type, you will need to complete the account application form. The form will ask for your personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address. You will also need to provide some information about your trading experience.

Step 4: Upload your documents

You will need to upload copies of your ID and proof of address. HKJR accepts a variety of documents, including passports, driver's licenses, and utility bills.

Step 5: Fund your account

Once your account has been approved, you will need to fund it. HKJR accepts deposits via credit/debit cards and bank transfers.

Step 6: Download the MT4 trading platform

Once you have funded your account, you can download the MT4 trading platform. The MT4 platform is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Step 7: Start trading

Once you have installed the MT4 platform, you can start trading. You can access the market through the MT4 platform and execute trades.


HKJR offers a maximum leverage of 1:400 to its clients. Leverage is a crucial aspect in forex trading, allowing traders to control a larger position size with a smaller amount of capital. In this case, a maximum leverage of 1:400 means that for every $1 of the trader's capital, they can control a position equivalent to $400. While high leverage can amplify potential profits, it also increases the risk of significant losses.

Spreads & Commissions

HKJR's spreads start from 1.0 pips. This is a competitive spread, which means that traders will pay less to enter and exit trades. For example, if a trader opens a trade with a 1.0 pip spread, they will pay 1.0 pip to enter the trade and 1.0 pip to exit the trade. As for commissions, HKJR does not charge commissions on forex trades. This means that traders will only pay for the spread when they enter and exit trades.

Trading Platform

HKJR provides access to the MT4 trading platform, which is a popular and widely used platform among forex traders. MT4 is a multi-asset platform that supports forex, stocks, indices, and commodities. It is packed with features that traders need to succeed, including charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities. Additionally, MT4 is highly customizable, allowing traders to tailor the platform to their preferences.

Deposit & Withdrawal

HKJR facilitates financial transactions for its clients by offering a diverse range of payment methods for both deposits and withdrawals. Clients can conveniently use credit or debit cards from major providers like Visa and MasterCard to fund their trading accounts or initiate withdrawals. This method provides a quick and efficient way to manage financial transactions. Additionally, HKJR supports bank transfers, allowing clients to deposit or withdraw funds in various currencies. Bank transfers offer a traditional yet reliable method for moving larger sums of money securely.

Here is a table that summarizes HKJR's deposit and withdrawal fees:

Payment Method Deposit Fee Withdrawal Fee
Credit/debit cards N/A 2% of the withdrawal amount
Bank transfers N/A N/A
Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

HKJR demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction by offering accessible and responsive customer support services. Operating 24/5, the brokerage ensures that clients have the opportunity to seek assistance and resolve queries throughout the trading week. Clients can reach out for support via both phone and email, providing flexibility in communication channels.

The designated customer service email address,, serves as a direct point of contact for inquiries and assistance. This reflects a customer-centric approach, acknowledging the importance of effective communication in the dynamic world of financial trading. Whether through traditional phone communication or the convenience of email, HKJR can address client needs promptly, contributing to a positive and supportive trading experience.

Educational Resources

HKJR provides a variety of educational resources to help traders learn about the forex market and improve their trading skills. HKJR hosts regular webinars that cover a range of topics, such as current market analysis, trading strategies, and risk management. HKJR also offers a library of trading guides that cover a range of topics, including forex trading basics, technical analysis, and risk management. These resources can be a valuable resource for traders of all levels, from beginners to experienced traders. They can help traders to learn about the forex market, develop their trading skills, and make informed trading decisions.


In conclusion, HKJR presents a mixed profile with both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, the broker offers a diverse range of trading instruments, a low minimum deposit, and competitive spreads. The inclusion of both Standard and Islamic account options, along with a demo account, satisfies a variety of trader preferences. Additionally, the provision of educational resources, webinars, and access to the popular MT4 trading platform contributes to a comprehensive trading experience.

However, the absence of regulation raises concerns about the broker's oversight and potential risks. Limited information on stock selection and withdrawal processes, along with the lack of transparency regarding commissions, pose challenges for traders seeking a more detailed understanding of the broker's operations.


Q: What trading instruments does HKJR offer to its clients?

A: HKJR provides a variety of tradable assets, including forex pairs, stocks, indices, and commodities, allowing clients to diversify their portfolios and engage in different financial markets.

Q: How does the account structure work at HKJR?

A: HKJR offers two distinct account types: Standard and Islamic accounts.

Q: Can traders practice without risking real money on HKJR?

A: Yes, HKJR offers a demo account that allows traders to practice and refine their trading strategies in a risk-free environment before venturing into live trading with real money.

Q: What customer support options are available at HKJR?

A: HKJR provides 24/5 customer support through phone and email. Clients can reach out to the dedicated email address,, or contact the support team via phone.

Q: Is HKJR regulated by any major financial authority?

A: No, HKJR is not regulated by any major financial authority. Traders should be aware that the absence of regulatory oversight poses higher risks.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by HKJR?

A: HKJR offers a maximum leverage of 1:400, allowing traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital.

Q: How can clients fund their accounts with HKJR?

A: Clients can fund their accounts through various methods, including credit/debit cards from major providers like Visa and MasterCard, as well as bank transfers in various currencies, providing flexibility in deposit options.

Broker Information

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No Regulation

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