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Type AA License|Suspicious Scope of Business|Medium potential risk|


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Bibgold · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

General Information

Bibgold Review Summary
Founded 2013
Registered Country/Region Hong Kong
Regulation CGSE
Market Instruments London gold and London silver
Demo Account Available
Trading Platforms MT4
Customer Support Phone, email, QQ, WeChat, live chat

What is Bibgold?

Bibgold specializes in electronic trading of London gold and London silver. They hold the qualification of Class AA 79 from the Gold and Silver Exchange, which signifies their high standards and credibility in the industry. As a regulated entity, Bibgold operates under the supervision of the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (CGSE), ensuring compliance with regulatory guidelines and providing traders with a secure trading environment. For their trading platform, Bibgold has chosen the widely acclaimed MT4 (MetaTrader 4). In addition, Bibgold provides a variety of trading tools that empower traders to make informed decisions.

Bibgold's home page

In the following article, we will analyze the characteristics of this broker from various aspects, providing you with simple and organized information. If you are interested, please read on. At the end of the article, we will also briefly make a conclusion so that you can understand the broker's characteristics at a glance.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Regulated by CGSE
• Demo account available
• MT4 supported
• Industry experience

Bibgold Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to Bibgold depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • iGold- A broker who can legally operate electronic trading of 99 Gold, HKD Kilo Gold, Loco London Gold/Silver and RMB Kilobar Gold, and offers trading through the MetaTrader 4 platform.

  • Golday Precious Metals- A broker who specializes in trading and investment of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

  • Starling Gold – A reputable gold dealer and investment firm that offers a wide range of gold products and services to individual and institutional investors.

Is Bibgold Safe or Scam?

Bibgold is regulated by the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (CGSE), which is the sole exchange in Hong Kong which trades physical gold and silver, and operates in pursuance of section 3 of Chapter 82 of Laws of Hong Kong, under which its operation as a commodity exchange is legally exempted. It also has been in operation for several years, and has received positive reviews from many customers. Based on the information above, Bibgold appears to be a reliable and trustworthy broker.

However, as with any investment, there is always some level of risk involved, and it is important for traders to do their own research and carefully consider their options before investing.

CGSE License

Market Instruments

Bibgold provides electronic trading of London gold and London silver. With their extensive knowledge and expertise in the precious metals market, Bibgold offers a reliable platform for individuals and institutions to trade these commodities securely and efficiently.

Gold is a popular trading instrument due to its status as a safe-haven asset and store of value. Traders should keep an eye on economic indicators, geopolitical events, and central bank policies as they can affect gold prices. Factors like inflation, interest rates, and currency fluctuations impact the value of gold.

Trading Platforms

In terms of trading system, Bibgold selects MT4 trading platform with powerful functions and stable performance, integrating three functions of market charts, technical analysis and order trading, and simple operation to help customers quickly judge and grasp investment opportunities. MT4 also supports different versions such as mobile terminal and web page, which helps customers obtain high profits with simple operation.

MT4 is widely regarded as one of the most reliable and efficient trading platforms in the industry, offering a range of powerful tools and features to enhance the trading experience.

With Bibgold's MT4 platform, traders have access to real-time market data, allowing them to stay informed about the latest bullion prices, trends, and news that can impact their trading decisions. The platform also provides dynamic charts and technical indicators, enabling traders to perform in-depth technical analysis and make well-informed trading choices.

See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platform
Bibgold MT4
iGold MT4
Golday Precious Metals MT4
Starling Gold MT4

Trading Tools

Bibgold provides a range of trading tools that empower traders to make informed decisions and effectively navigate the bullion market.

  • Bibgold Metal APP:

This is a renowned online platform that offers practical strategies and insights specifically designed for gold trading. Traders can access comprehensive educational resources, including tutorials, webinars, and articles, to enhance their understanding of bullion trading. The app serves as a valuable resource for both beginner and experienced traders, equipping them with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the gold market.

Bibgold Metal APP
  • Bibgold Review:

Bibgold offers daily updates through its Imperial Gold Review, which provides in-depth analysis of the overall trend in the bullion market. This review incorporates technical analysis, fundamental factors, and expert opinions, allowing traders to stay updated with the latest market trends and potential trading opportunities. By regularly referring to the Imperial Gold Review, traders can make more informed decisions based on a comprehensive assessment of market conditions.

Bibgold Review
  • Instant Quotes:

Bibgold offers instant quotes, providing traders with real-time access to the latest price information for gold and other bullion products. This ensures that traders have up-to-date and accurate data to make timely trading decisions. Instant quotes help traders stay on top of market fluctuations and react quickly to changing price dynamics.

Instant Quotes
  • Economic Calendar:

The economic calendar provided by Bibgold is a crucial tool for traders. It highlights important economic events, such as central bank announcements, economic indicators, and geopolitical developments, that can significantly impact the bullion market. By staying informed about these events and their potential effects on gold prices, traders can better anticipate market movements and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.

Economic Calendar

Customer Service

Bibgold offers live chat service. Traders can inquire about market trends, request real-time quotes, place orders, or get assistance with technical issues.

Customers can visit their office or get in touch with customer service line using the information provided below:

Telephone: +852 3579-2688


QQ: 800181079

WeChat: bibgold

Address: Room 8, 25/F, Paligold Commercial Centre, 2501 Pilikin Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

contact details
Pros Cons
  • Live chat available
  • Language limitations
  • Assistance with various inquiries and concerns
  • No social media presence
  • Personalized Support

Note: These pros and cons are subjective and may vary depending on the individual's experience with Bibgold's customer service.


Bibgold offers interactive classrooms and expert lectures as part of their educational resources. These features enable traders to engage in dynamic learning environments and gain valuable insights from experienced professionals.

  • Interactive Classrooms

The interactive classrooms provided by Bibgold allow traders to participate in live sessions where they can interact with instructors and fellow traders. This interactive format fosters a collaborative learning experience, where traders can ask questions, share ideas, and discuss trading strategies. It creates an engaging atmosphere that helps traders deepen their understanding of bullion trading concepts and refine their skills.

Interactive Classrooms
  • Expert Lectures

Bibgold also offers lectures and presentations by renowned experts in the field. These expert-led sessions provide in-depth analysis, market insights, and practical strategies for trading gold and other bullion products. Traders can learn from the expertise and experience of these industry professionals, gaining valuable knowledge that can be applied to their own trading activities.

Expert Lectures


In conclusion, Bibgold is a reputable bullion trading platform that specializes in electronic trading of London gold and London silver. It is regulated by the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society (CGSE), ensuring compliance with regulatory guidelines and providing traders with a secure trading environment. Bibgold offers traders the popular and robust MT4 trading platform. Additionally, Bibgold provides a range of trading tools and educational resources, including interactive classrooms and expert lectures, empowering traders to make well-informed decisions and navigate the bullion market effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Bibgold regulated?
A 1: Yes. It is regulated by CGSE .
Q 2: How can I contact the customer support team at Bibgold?
A 2: You can contact via phone, +852 3579-2688, email,
Q 3: Does Bibgold offer demo accounts?
A 3: Yes.
Q 4: Does Bibgold offer the industry leading MT4 & MT5?
A 4: Yes. It supports MT4.
Q 5: Is Bibgold a good broker for beginners?
A 5: Yes. It is a good choice for beginners because it is regulated well and offers precious metals trading with competitive trading conditions on the leading MT4. Also, it offers demo accounts that allow traders to practice trading without risking any real money.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status


Platform registered country and region

Hong Kong

Phone of the company
  • +852 3579-2688









Company address
  • 香港九龙佐敦庇利金街8号百利金商业中心25楼2501室





  • 800181079

  • bibgold

Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary


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