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Loncin Global

Hong Kong|2-5 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Loncin Global Limited


Loncin Global

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Hong Kong

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0549047) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0549047)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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Loncin Global · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Loncin Global Limited
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded year 1-2 years
Regulation Lack of valid regulation
Minimum Deposit Not disclosed publicly; potential clients should contact Loncin Global Limited for accurate information
Leverage Flexible leverage options ranging from 1:100 to 1:500
Spreads Competitive floating spreads starting as low as 0.01 pips
Trading Platforms MT5 trading platform
Tradable assets Stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, currencies in numerous market centers
Customer Support Online chat,
Deposit & Withdrawal Deposit and withdrawal options not explicitly mentioned; clients should inquire directly with Loncin Global Limited for specific information

Overview of Loncin Global

Loncin Global is an online forex broker registered in the United Kingdom. With approximately 1-2 years of operation, the company currently lacks valid regulation, raising concerns about fund safety.

The minimum deposit is undisclosed, requiring potential clients to contact Loncin Global for accurate information. The broker offers flexible leverage options ranging from 1:100 to 1:500 and competitive floating spreads as low as 0.01 pips. Traders can access the MT5 trading platform, trade stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and various currencies.

Customer support is available through online chat and Deposit and withdrawal options are not explicitly mentioned, necessitating direct inquiries for specific information. Traders should carefully evaluate the risks associated with the lack of regulation before considering Loncin Global as a trading option.

Is Loncin Global Legit or a Scam?

Loncin Global, a trading firm, has been identified to lack valid regulation, raising concerns regarding the safety and security of client funds and transactions. The broker's regulatory status with the United States National Futures Association (NFA) is labeled as Unauthorized, indicating a lack of proper authorization to conduct regulated activities. Traders are advised to exercise caution and carefully consider the associated risks before engaging with Loncin Global. It is recommended to thoroughly research and evaluate alternative options that offer proper regulation and oversight to ensure the protection of investments.


Pros and Cons

Loncin Global offers several advantages to its clients. Firstly, it provides flexible leverage options, allowing traders to tailor their strategies according to their risk appetite and preferences. The availability of competitive floating spreads starting as low as 0.01 pips is also a positive aspect, as it can potentially contribute to cost-effective trading. Moreover, Loncin Global grants access to the popular MT5 trading platform, which offers advanced tools for technical analysis, automated trading capabilities, and mobile applications, catering to the diverse needs of traders. Additionally, Loncin Global provides a diverse range of tradable assets, including stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and currencies from numerous market centers. Lastly, the company offers customer support through online chat and email, ensuring prompt assistance for traders' inquiries and concerns.

There are certain drawbacks to consider when evaluating Loncin Global. The primary concern is the lack of valid regulation. As it is not regulated, there may be potential risks associated with the safety and security of client funds and transactions. Additionally, the minimum deposit requirement is not publicly disclosed, necessitating direct contact with the company to obtain accurate information. The absence of explicit information regarding deposit and withdrawal options is another disadvantage, as clients would need to inquire directly for specific details. It is crucial for potential clients to consider these limitations and conduct thorough research and due diligence before engaging with Loncin Global.

Pros Cons
Offers flexible leverage options Lacks valid regulation
Competitive floating spreads Minimum deposit undisclosed, requires direct contact for details
Access to MT5 trading platform Deposit and withdrawal options not explicitly mentioned
Diverse range of tradable assets
Available customer support channels

Market Instruments

Loncin Global Limited offers a diverse range of trading options to its clients, enabling them to invest in various financial instruments. Traders can access a wide selection of assets, including stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and currencies from numerous market centers. It is important to note that all transactions and settlements are conducted in USD, providing a standardized and convenient trading environment for clients. This array of trading products allows traders to explore different markets and potentially diversify their investment portfolios according to their preferences and strategies.

Minimum Deposit

Unfortunately, the specific minimum deposit required to start trading with Loncin Global Limited is not disclosed publicly. It is common for many brokers to have a minimum deposit requirement, typically starting from around $100. However, it's worth noting that some prominent players in the forex industry, such as HotForex and XM, offer micro accounts with a minimum deposit as low as $5, allowing traders to start investing with a smaller initial capital. It is advisable for potential clients to reach out to Loncin Global Limited directly or consult their customer support for accurate and up-to-date information regarding the minimum deposit requirement.


Loncin Global Limited offers a diverse range of trading accounts with flexible leverage options, ranging from 1:100 to 1:500. This allows traders to tailor their trading strategies to their individual preferences and risk appetite. High leverage can be advantageous for experienced traders and those seeking potential higher returns, particularly in short-term trading scenarios. However, it is crucial for traders, especially beginners, to exercise caution and fully understand the implications of using high leverage. Inexperienced traders are encouraged to start with lower leverage levels to manage risk effectively and gain practical experience in the currency markets. Loncin Global Limited prioritizes client education and provides resources to help traders make informed decisions about leverage usage based on their risk tolerance and trading objectives.


Spreads & Commissions

Loncin Global Limited boasts competitive floating spreads, starting as low as 0.01 pips. In the forex market, spreads play a crucial role in determining the total cost of trading. Traders seek out brokers with tight spreads, as it directly affects their profitability. By offering highly competitive spreads, Loncin Global Limited aims to cater to the demands of clients who prioritize cost-effective trading. It is important for traders to carefully evaluate and compare spreads offered by different brokers to make informed decisions aligned with their trading strategies and goals.

Trading Platform Available

Loncin Global Limited offers its clients access to the highly regarded MT5 trading platform. Designed to cater to traders of all skill levels and trading approaches, the MetaTrader 5 platform provides a comprehensive set of features and tools.

For beginners and experienced traders alike, the MT5 platform offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies trading operations. With its intuitive design, traders can easily navigate through the platform and access a wide range of functionalities.

One notable feature of the MT5 platform is its advanced tools for technical analysis. Traders can utilize various charting tools, indicators, and graphical objects to analyze market trends, identify potential trading opportunities, and make informed trading decisions.

Furthermore, the platform supports automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs). Traders can develop or choose from a vast selection of EAs to automate their trading strategies, allowing for hands-free trading and potentially maximizing trading efficiency.

To cater to the mobile needs of traders, MT5 also offers mobile applications. These applications enable traders to access their trading accounts, monitor the markets, execute trades, and manage their positions from their mobile devices, providing flexibility and convenience.

In conclusion, Loncin Global Limited's provision of the MT5 trading platform offers clients a powerful tool to analyze markets, execute trades, and manage their trading activities. With its user-friendly interface, advanced technical analysis capabilities, automated trading options, and mobile accessibility, the MT5 platform caters to the diverse needs of traders, whether they are beginners or experienced professionals.


Deposit & Withdrawal

The deposit and withdrawal options provided by Loncin Global Limited are not explicitly mentioned. However, it is common for forex brokers to support various payment methods such as Wire Transfer, MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, and popular e-wallet processors like Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal. Fast withdrawal processing is an important aspect for traders when evaluating the reliability of a forex broker. It is recommended that potential clients inquire directly with Loncin Global Limited regarding their specific deposit and withdrawal options, as well as the expected processing times for withdrawals.

Customer Support

Loncin Global Limited allows its clients with any trading related issues to have quick access to its customer care through online chat as well as



Q: What leverage options does Loncin Global offer to its clients?

A: Loncin Global provides flexible leverage options ranging from 1:100 to 1:500, allowing traders to customize their trading strategies based on their risk tolerance and preferences.

Q: Are the spreads offered by Loncin Global competitive?

A: Yes, Loncin Global offers competitive floating spreads starting as low as 0.01 pips.

Q: Which trading platform does Loncin Global offer?

A: Loncin Global offers access to the widely recognized MT5 trading platform.

Q: What types of assets can be traded with Loncin Global?

A: Loncin Global allows traders to invest in a diverse range of assets, including stocks, futures, crude oil, gold, Bitcoin, and currencies from various market centers.

Q: How can I contact Loncin Global's customer support?

A: Loncin Global provides customer support through online chat and email. Clients can reach out to the company via online chat or send an email to for assistance.

Q: Is Loncin Global regulated?

A: Loncin Global lacks valid regulation, raising concerns about the safety and security of client funds and transactions.


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