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Saint Lucia|1-2 years|
Retail Forex License|Self-developed|Suspicious Scope of Business|Medium potential risk|Offshore Regulated|


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+44 2031505084
Ground Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Village, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia.


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Apex mkt Ltd



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Saint Lucia

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Ventorus · WikiFX Survey

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Ventorus · Company Summary

Company NameVentorus
Founded 2023
Registered CountrySaint Lucia
RegulationNo license
Tradable Assets160+ CFDs (cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, indices, stocks)
Demo AccountNot available
Max Leverage1:400
SpreadStart at 0.03 pips
Min DepositNot mentioned
Trading PlatformWebtrader
Customer SupportMonday-Friday: 09:00 to 18:00 GMT
Live chat, Contact form
Phone: +442031505084
Social media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn
Registered office: Ground Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Village, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia

Ventorus Information

Ventorus, established in 2023 and headquartered in Saint Lucia, operates without any valid regulations currently. The platform offers traders over 160 CFDs covering cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, indices, and stocks. It offers multiple account types, including Classic, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP accounts. Traders can access the Webtrader platform, renowned for its fast execution and spreads starting at 0.03 pips, providing an avenue for swift and precise trades.

Ventorus' homepage

Pros & Cons

Various account typesNo regulation
High leverageLack of educational resources
Low spreadsComplex interface
Multiple contact channelsRestricted regional access


Various account types: Ventorus offers five different account types, including Classic, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP accounts.

High leverage: Ventorus provides high leverage up to 1:400, allowing traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital.

Low spreads: Ventorus offers competitive and narrow spreads starting at 0.03 pips.

Multiple contact channels: You can contact them via multiple contact channels, including live chat, contact form, phone and email.


No regulation: Ventorus currently lacks valid regulations. Trading with them has risks.

Lack of educational resources: Ventorus lacks comprehensive educational materials, like user guides, video tutorials, and webinars.

Complex interface: Ventorus features a complex or intricate interface, making it challenging for beginners to navigate the platform and execute trades efficiently.

Restricted regional access: Ventorus does not offer services to residents of the European Union or to any other jurisdiction where such distribution would be contrary to local laws and regulations.

Is Ventorus Legit?

Ventorus is currently functioning without any regulation, meaning it does not fall under the supervision of any financial regulatory bodies and does not possess any licenses to operate in the financial market. The absence of any such oversight raises concerns about the firms adherence to financial standards and regulations, increasing the risk for investors.

Market Instruments

Ventorus offers a diverse range of trading assets across various categories:

  1. Shares: Users can trade shares of publicly listed companies, allowing them to invest in individual companies' stocks.

2. Forex: This includes major pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, as well as minor and exotic pairs.

3. Metals: Trading in metals involves commodities like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

4. Cryptocurrencies: Ventorus enables trading in cryptocurrencies, offering a selection of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other altcoins.

5. Commodities: The platform includes various commodities like crude oil, natural gas, agricultural products, and more.

6. Indices: Users can trade indices representing a basket of stocks from a specific exchange or market.

Account Types

Ventorus offers five different account types, including Classic, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP accounts.

Classic and Silver accounts are suitable for beginners. Gold and Platium accounts are suitable for accomplished traders. VIP account is suitable for maven traders.

100% margin call and 20% stop-out for all accounts.

There is no swap discount for the Classic account, while there is a swap discount for all other account types.

Account comparison


The maximum leverage offered by Ventorus is up to 1:400 for all accounts. This leverage ratio allows traders to control a larger position size relative to their invested capital, potentially amplifying both profits and losses. It provides traders with increased market exposure, enabling them to take larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, but it also heightens the level of risk involved in trading. Traders should use leverage judiciously and be aware of the potential risks involved in trading with high leverage ratios.

Spreads & Commissions

The platform showcases spreads starting at an impressively low 0.03 pips, but no info on commissions.

Trading Platform

Ventorus offers a Webtrader platform, which is available on PC, web, mobile, and tablet. Here are its key features:

  • Intuitive Interface: Customize your trading journey effortlessly. Receive in-platform price change notifications, switch between multiple accounts with a single click, and tailor the app to match your unique trading style.
  • Data Visualization: Gain insights with comprehensive market trend overviews. Explore detailed charts for various assets, utilizing visual indicators like Fibonacci, arrows, support, and resistance lines to deepen your understanding of market dynamics.
  • Easy Order Control: Navigate volatile peaks confidently with stop loss and take profit trigger orders. Access various execution modes to manage your trades effectively.
  • 24/7 Access: Embrace trading freedom. Webtrader allows 24/7 market access, transcending traditional investing constraints and geographical limitations, seizing opportunities around the clock.

Customer Support

Monday-Friday: 09:00 to 18:00 GMT

Live chat

Contact form

Phone: +442031505084


Social media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn

Registered office: Ground Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Village, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia

Contact info


Is Ventorus regulated?

No. It currently has no valid regulations.

Does Ventorus offer demo accounts?


Does Ventorus offer MT4/5?

No. Instead, it only offers a webtrader.

Are there any restrictions on regional access to Ventorus?

Yes. Apex Mkt Ltd does not provide its services to residents of the European Union or to any other jurisdiction where such distribution would be contrary to local laws and regulations.


Ventorus: Yes or No? Read  Complete Review

NewsVentorus: Yes or No? Read Complete Review

2024-07-10 20:19

Ventorus, established in 2023 and headquartered in Saint Lucia, operates under the regulation of the Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.) of Comoros Island. The platform offers traders a diverse range of financial instruments with over 160 CFDs covering cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, indices, and stocks.

2024-07-10 20:19
Ventorus: Yes or No? Read  Complete Review

Review 7

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Bitcoin 360 AI Scam: Lost Fortune, Mental Anguish Unveiled
It is not an investment purpose, but a phishing (voice phishing) scam under the guise of investment. Bitcoin 360 Ai has contacted me. A Korean named Sim Je-pil lives in Vancouver, Turkey. He asked if it was automatic trading and he said it was automatic trading so I put in 250USD on the 1.24th, but 50 minutes later it was Ben Taurus who had nothing to do with automatic trading. For the first few days, he was persistent in telling me to put in more money, saying he would give me money and reduce the fee. After that, I asked him to do something on his own when he had time to play, and he said he did well the next day, but two days later, he yelled at me that he was going to spend a lot of money because I pressed the button several times and that it would all be gone, and he persistently made me put in more money. Even after January 24th, I frequently received calls from other margin exchanges telling me I had registered. I felt like my information was being shared. I think it was gaslighting by making me keep putting in money and then making sarcasm or returning compliments. As I was only doing what they ordered at the same time for over two months, it was not easy to refuse, and as soon as I sold the items I had and made nearly 100 million won on Friday March 29th, on Monday, they suddenly said that I would be on a business trip on the 15th due to an urgent matter, and the phone call I gave them every day was once every three days to a woman named Alexandra. They told me to make a decent amount of money, but from April 1st, my money was drastically reduced, and eventually it was reduced to 0 won. After slipping once in the beginning, I have never been able to press numbers of my own volition. And they persistently suggested that if I put in more money, they would give me more money on a 1:1 basis, which made me feel stressed. From 4 o'clock I had an obite and from 5 o'clock I couldn't breathe. After doing this for over 4 months, I developed symptoms of panic disorder. On June 1st, by chance, their e-mail and an e-mail that I did not create were sent to my trading site in my laptop Mirsoft e-wallet. Then I sent an email asking for my money back, and in the meantime, they put both of my laptops on airplane mode. The laptop I first used was not good, so I thought I had slipped and replaced it with my son's computer around February 5th, but the situation was the same. The data that I deleted from the new computer that my son was using the next day, saying it was unnecessary, was my computer data that I had created to submit to the cyber investigation team. It was. There were three computers connected. The reason why it is voice phishing under the guise of investment - Withdrawal requests are not made automatically, but deposited selectively. -My account balance is my property, so it must be deposited automatically when I request a withdrawal. -The contact information is only one-way international phone calls and emails, and there is no information about them. -Cyprus law is (Greece), but there is no information at all about the registration number HE448660. (Even if there is information, it is said to be a payment agency with this registration number) - Comoros Mwali International Service Agency (M.I.S.A.) Tax haven area. Of the 265 brokerage firms, 23-265 were created in 2023, and 40 were closed this year. This is a company created in 2023 - The account name is not the company name - The address is also a first-floor real estate site with more than 10 FX exchange addresses. There are many more addresses that have caused damage in the past.
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