Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

Australia Securities & Investment Commission

Year 1998Regulated by Government

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is an independent Australian government body that acts as Australia's corporate regulator, which was established on 1 July 1998 following recommendations from the Wallis Inquiry. ASIC's role is to enforce and regulate company and financial services laws to protect Australian consumers, investors and creditors. ASIC's authority and scope were determined by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act, 2001.

Disclose broker
Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2023-09-26
  • Reason for punishment Do not deal with this business as it is unlicensed in Australia
Disclosure details

Maxi Services Belize Ltd ASIC advises this company could be involved in a scam

Maxi Services Belize Ltd ASIC advises this company could be involved in a scam PAGE READING TIME:1 MINUTE On this page Do not deal with this business as it is unlicensed in Australia This business has made unsolicited calls or sent emails about investing, financial advice, credit or loans. It does not hold a current Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence or an Australian Credit licence from ASIC. Protect yourself from investment scams and banking and credit scams. Company details Notes (also known as UMarkets) 5 Cork Street Belize City Belize P: +442036706439 and +44 203 695 8926 and +501-223-2099 Skype: and and
More regulatory disclosure






Titan Trustees, Monet Heritage, Fox Asset Finance, FCS Assets, Metro Capital – Imposter websites, duplicate websites
Titan Trustees
Fox Asset Finance
Metro capital Limited

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