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Central Bank of Ireland

Year 2011Regulated by Government

Prior to 2010, all Irish financial entities were regulated by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority. However, in 2011, a new regulatory body was established known as the Central Bank of Ireland Commission. This Commission has the task of issuing licences to CBI-regulated brokers, but also has a number of other very important roles. It acts as a watchdog for the following service providers and their activities: Insurance providers, including general and life insurance as well as any consumer-related issues; Credit unions; Credit and mortgage providers and moneylenders, as well as overseeing customer charges and related consumer issues.

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Danger Fake
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2021-02-05
  • Reason for punishment This unauthorised firm has cloned the name of, The Capital Holdings Fund plc, which is a Central Bank authorised firm. It should be noted that there is no connection whatsoever between the Central Bank authorised firm and the unauthorised entity that has cloned its details.
Disclosure details

Warning on Unauthorised Firm - Beforex Capital, T/N The Capital Holding Company (CLONE)

Warning on Unauthorised Firm - Beforex Capital, T/N The Capital Holding Company (CLONE) 05 February 2021 Press Release Warning It has come to the Central Bank of Ireland’s (‘Central Bank’) attention that a firm, calling itself Beforex Capital, T/N The Capital Holding Company (Ireland, United Kingdom, Singapore, St. Vincent and the Grenadines) - and, has been operating as an investment firm / investment business in the State in the absence of an appropriate authorization. This unauthorised firm has cloned the name of, The Capital Holdings Fund plc, which is a Central Bank authorised firm. It should be noted that there is no connection whatsoever between the Central Bank authorised firm and the unauthorised entity that has cloned its details. A list of unauthorised firms published to date is available on the Central Bank website. It is a criminal offence for an unauthorised firm/person to provide financial services in Ireland that would require an authorisation under the relevant legislation which the Central Bank is the responsible body for enforcing. Consumers should be aware, that if they deal with a firm/person who is not authorised, they are not eligible for compensation from the Investor Compensation Scheme. Any person wishing to contact the Central Bank with information regarding such firms/persons may telephone (01) 224 4000. This line is also available to the public to check if a firm is authorised.
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