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Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

Year 1997Regulated by Government

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA)was established as a body corporate under the Monetary Authority Law on 1 January 1997. CIMA is created from the merger of the Financial Services Supervision Department of the Cayman Islands Government and the Cayman Islands Currency Board and it takes over the former responsibilities, duties and activities of these two bodies which include the issue and redemption of Cayman Islands currency and the management of currency reserves; the regulation and supervision of financial services, the monitoring of compliance with money laundering regulations, the issuance of a regulatory handbook on policies and procedures and the issuance of rules and statements of principle and guidance; the provision of assistance to overseas regulatory authorities, including the execution of memoranda of understanding to assist with consolidated supervision and the provision of advice to the Government on monetary, regulatory and cooperative matters.

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Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-12-29
  • Reason for punishment The entity is not licensed nor registered to carry on activities regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.
Disclosure details

Websites with Cayman Addresses Not Registered nor Licensed in the Cayman Islands as of 29 December 2022

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has become aware of the following entities with the following websites that have given their contact addresses as that of the Cayman Islands. These entities are not licensed nor registered to carry on activities regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. Our inquiries also reveal that they are also not registered with the Cayman Islands Companies Registry.
More regulatory disclosure




Titan Trustees, Monet Heritage, Fox Asset Finance, FCS Assets, Metro Capital – Imposter websites, duplicate websites
Titan Trustees
Fox Asset Finance
Metro capital Limited



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