Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

2 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw

At that time, the company sent me an email to deduct the money from my Mt4 account, but it has not been credited till now. Every time I ask the customer service, they say the same thing.

Singapore Singapore 2022-02-13 01:12
Singapore Singapore 2022-02-13 01:12


I have been scammed by Morgan International Group Pty Ltd (ACN 620 723 757), holds an Australian financial services licence (AFSL No. 501156) they are a SCAM FOREX BROKER, they dont pay rebates to ib's, neither they send my funds back, i have put $15,000 USD with them i made $1200 profits and they dont want to send me my money back, they are forcing me to stay and eep trading, and they even told me to bring them more clients, dont send any money to this clowns, if you fund your account you will never see your money back ever again. My account manager namaed Gabriel are telling me they wont send me my money and i need to keep trading there, i stopped trading because i saw some mal practices, definetely i would not recommend this broker to anyone, be aware of these scammers. All they want is your money and you will never see it back, all they do they send you messages on my portal saying its in process, its been over 1 month and nothing, their livechat is worthless, they keep saying contact your account manager. I hope they get fined by the ASIC... really bad experience with them!! COMPLETELY SCAM BROKER.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-17 20:44
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-17 20:44
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