Nível Regulatório


National Bank of the Republic of Belarus(NBRB)

BelarusFundada em 1990 Regulado pelo governo


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Nível Regulatório

PSN: --

Proteção ao Investidor: --

Membros: 14

Estabelecido: Fundada em 1990

Não é membro da Organização Internacional das Comissões de Valores Mobiliários

Serviço ao cliente


375 17 2192303


NBRB Introdução da Organização

The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus(NBRB) is the central bank of Belarus, located in the capital city, Minsk. The bank was created in 1922 under the name of "Belarusian Republican Bank" , but soon worked under the direction of the State Bank of the USSR. Undergoing reorganizations in 1959 and 1987, the bank appeared in its current form in 1990 after the passage of banking rules upon declaring independence from the Soviet Union. The bank's activities are regulated in the Banking Code enacted in October 25, 2000. Article 25 of the Banking Code, provides that one of the main functions of the NBRB is to ensure efficient, reliable and safe functioning of the interbank settlement system, and prescribes procedures for cash and non-cash settlements in the Republic of Belarus.

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