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2023-11-01 12:18 Publicado en Hong Kong Hong Kong

Maliciously freezing funds, freezing MT4 accounts, and preventing withdrawals

I opened a short position on the platform on September 27 to short the jp255 Index, and closed the position on September 28. The total profit of the four orders was 4,292 US dollars. I made a profit amount of 4,292 US dollars for the first time. When I applied for a withdrawal again, the platform removed me. The account was frozen, and they said I was trading illegally. Below are the order trading records and the 1-hour candlestick chart of MT4 near the opening and closing positions on September 27, as well as pictures of account freeze and withdrawal rejection. If profits were generated, it would be said that there was violation. Withdrawal, even the principal was not refunded to me. I sent countless emails and they were not processed, and the funds were frozen all the time. Now my request is to unfreeze my account and let me withdraw the money.

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