بحث الوسيط
2024-01-14 09:30
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ
serious slippage buy stop loss 495% more
Exness Exness

انزلاق شديد







2024-03-21 12:15
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ
2024-02-20 12:03


Dear customer, with respect to your problem, you can send the detailed information to the platform 24-hour customer service, or send an email to the official customer service at support@exness.com (ensure correct email address) with your registered email on our platform. If you contacted us before, please still reply by email or reach out to the 24-hour online customer service for help. Thank you.

2024-01-15 14:36
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ

الإتصال بالوسيط

2024-01-15 11:43
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ

تم التحقق منه

2024-01-14 09:30
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ

بدء الوساطة

I am so disappeared about Exness high slippage. For the transaction XAUUSD order dated 11 Jan 2024, Ticket #34178666 buy stop $2039.50 SL$2037.5. (SL $2), the reality happened was order bought at $2045.287 (instead of $2039.50) and SL $2033.392 (instead of $2037.50) . Buy stop order I should had loss USD2 but reality is USD11.895, I loss almost 5 times more than it should be. I don't think I will continue using exness if no one give me a positive feedback. And if anyone concerned about the slippage affect your profit I think my case is important for you.


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