

2023-03-16 00:51 發表於 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦

10tradefx.com 是一個黑交易商

大家好,我叫扎法阿里。我的 TenTrademt5 id是47183。10tradefx是黑交易商,不要在這里開戶。 TenTrade聲稱是注冊交易商。我告訴你他們如何騙我的所有細節。我正在聯系他們的規定。他們將被罰款,該經紀人將被禁止。我以 850 美元的價格購買了 docu us share。我只買了209股。購買股票后,我還有 550 美元的可用保證金。第二天開市時我的利潤是 3040 美元。當我關閉交易并放置提款時,他們接受我的提款并向我發送電子郵件以接受我的提款(附上截圖)。其次他們拒絕了我的提款并告訴我我欺騙了他們。我做了什么欺詐行為,我只是買了我們的股票,當我看到我的賬戶有利潤時,我就關閉了交易。這是為了結束交易而獲利的欺詐行為嗎?我什至沒有從他們那里得到任何獎金,所以這些條款不適用于我。我用自己的錢交易。我損失了這個交易商不會補償我的錢。首先他們扣除了我所有的利潤,我的余額減少到 850 美元,然后他們又扣除了 550 美元,現在我的余額是 300 美元,這 TenTrade告訴我退出(附視頻)。我警告大家遠離這個交易商。如果您有任何存款,請盡快取出。我只想通過我的資本投資獲利。否則我也在其他平臺和監管機構上發帖。



10tradefx.com is a scam broker

Hi all investors
My name is zafar ali. My tentrade mt5 id is 47183. 10tradefx is a scammer broker, don't open account here. tentrade claiming a registered broker. I am telling you all details how they scammed me. I am contacting their regulations. They will be fined and this broker will be banned. I buy DoCU US share by 850$. I only buy 209 shares. After buying shares i still had 550$ free margin. Second day when market opened my profit was 3040$. When i closed trade and placed withdraw, they accept my withdraw and sent me email for accepting my withdraw ( screenshot attached). Second they declined my withdraw and told me i fraud them.
What Fraud i do, i just buy us shares and when i saw profit in my account, i just closed trade. Is this fraud to close a trade with profit?. I even don't get any bonus from them so these terms don't apply to me. I traded with my own money. I get loss this broker will not compensate my money. First they deducted all my profit and my balance reduced to 850$ then they deducted 550$ more and now my balance is 300$ which tentrade told me to withdraw ( video attached). I am warning all of you stay away from this broker. If you have any deposit then withdraw as soon as possible. I just want my profit with my capital investment. Otherwise i am posting on other platforms too and regulation authority.

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