

2023-01-08 02:14 發表於 羅馬尼亞 羅馬尼亞

Alliance market ltd可能是騙子

你好。2022年12月,一個人通過社交媒體(Instagram)與我聯系,她假裝是一個使用二元期權的專業外匯交易者。她說,我必須在以下平臺上開立一個賬戶。Alliancemarketltd.com,在她的推動下,我做了這個。她還說,我所要做的是購買一個投資計劃,費用為300美元,它將在5天內使用。一開始我持懷疑態度,但幾天后,我說為什么不呢,我買了這個投資計劃。她要求我把我的電子郵件給她,這樣她就可以把她的軟件放進去,以便開始交易。幾天后,我檢查了我的聯盟市場賬戶,是的,確實,利潤出現在我的賬戶上。最后的利潤正好是10635美元。當談到提款時,我被要求支付500美元的費用,稱為 "提款費"。這筆費用在他們的網站上也有列出。我支付了這筆錢,并通過電子郵件確認我的10635美元的提款請求已被批準,資金已被發送到我選定的賬戶。之后,我又收到一封郵件,說我的提款已經成功批準,并將在24小時內反映在我的銀行賬戶上。在這封確認資金將反映在我的銀行賬戶上的電子郵件的幾個小時后,我收到了另一封電子郵件,其中說需要一次性的處理費來立即處理我的付款。他們要求我再支付500美元,據說在支付這筆款項后,我將在不到10分鐘內收到10635美元的款項。好吧,由于我的 "紅旗",我沒有支付,因為有可能為這些騙子再損失500美元。如果你能檢查這個名為''Alliancemarketltd.com''的經紀人,我將不勝感激。他們是否真的是騙子?我也在Whatsapp上聯系了他們的支持,這家伙要求把這最后的500美元買到他提供的一個比特幣地址。他說,這個地址是 "國際收費"。如果他們確實是騙子,我想確保他們已經被曝光。Alliance market ltd或你可以通過使用訪問。Alliancemarketltd.com。



Alliance market ltd, possible scammers

Hello. In December, 2022, I was contacted by a person via a social media (Instagram), who pretends to be a professional Forex trader using the binary options. She said that I have to open an account on the following platform: Alliancemarketltd.com, which I did after her push. She also said, all I have to do is to buy an investment plan which costs $300 and it would be usable during 5 days. I was skeptic at the beginning but after a few days, I said why not and I bought this investment plan. She asked me to give me my e-mail to her so she can put in her software in order to star the trading. After a few days, I have checked my Alliance market account and yes, indeed, the profit appeared on my account. The final profit was exactly $10635. When it comes for the withdrawal, I was asking to pay a fee for $500 called ''withdrawal fee''. This fee is also listed on their website. I paid this amount of money, and I have received the confirmation via e-mail that my withdrawal request of $10635 have approved and funds have been sent to my selected account. After that, I have received another e-mail which said that my withdrawal has been successfully approved and it will reflect in my bank account in 24 hours. After a few hours after this e-mail which confirms that the money will reflect in my bank account, I have received another e-mail where it says that a one time processing fee is needed to process my payment immediately. They were requesting me to pay another $500 and it was said that after this payment, I will receive the amount of $10635 in less than 10 minutes. Well, I did not pay it due to my ''red flag'' because it could be possible to lose another $500 for these scammers. I would appreciate if you can check this broker called ''Alliancemarketltd.com''. Are they scammers indeed or not? I have also contacted their support on Whatsapp and this guys asked to buy this final amount of $500 into a Bitcoin address provided by him. He said that this address is an ''international charges''. If they are scammers indeed, I would like to make sure that they have been exposed. Alliance market ltd or you can access by using: Alliancemarketltd.com. 

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