Polish Financial Supervision Authority

Yıl 2006Hükümet tarafından düzenlenir

"The Polish Financial Supervision Authority commenced its activities on September 19th 2006, i.e. the date when the Act on Financial Market Supervision of July 21st 2006 (Dz. U. of 2006, No. 157, item 1119, as amended) came into force. The new regulator took over the duties of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Commission and the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, which were abolished by the said Act. As of January 1st 2008, the PFSA took over the duties of the Commission for Banking Supervision. The main task of PFSA is to ensure the orderly functioning and safe development of the financial market. Meanwhile, the vision is to provide a safe financial market for all participants. In regard to this, PFSA have taken active action, such as using the most modern technologies to manage information and knowledge as well as provide a high level of trust among supervised entities and stakeholders in the financial market. "

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Danger Yetkisiz
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  • Bilgilendirme Eşleştirme Veb sitesi uygun
  • açıklama zamanı 2024-04-23
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Finansal Araç Ticareti Kanunu'nun 178. Maddesi kapsamında cezalandırılabilecek şüpheli suç bildirimi (gerekli yetki veya vekaletname olmadan finansal araç ticareti alanında faaliyetlerde bulunmak) Gray Matter Enterprise Ltd z siedzibą w Monachium - (platform www .solidinvest.co)

Gray Matter Enterprise Ltd z siedzibą w Monachium - (platform www.solidinvest.co) Kuruluş Polonya'da kayıtlı değil Varşova'daki Bölge Savcılığı 25 Ağustos 2022'de Varşova'daki Warszawa-Mokotów Bölge Mahkemesi, temyiz başvurusunu onaylayan nihai bir karar yayınladı. soruşturmanın durdurulmasına karar verildi. Finansal Araç Ticareti Kanunu'nun 69(2) maddesinin 2. paragrafı ile bağlantılı olarak 178. maddesi uyarınca bildirim. UKNF tarafından yapılan bildirim.
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