Financial Services Agency

2000 AnosRegulado pelo governo

The Financial Services Agency (FSA) oversees all financial services providers, including Forex brokers, in Japan. The ultimate aim of Japan's FSA is to maintain the country’s financial system and ensure its stability. It is also responsible for protecting security investors, insurance policyholders, and depositors. It achieves its aims in a number of different ways including planning and policy making, supervising financial services providers, overseeing securities transactions, and inspecting financial institutions in the private sector. When the FSA was first created it was merely an administrative body. However, its responsibilities were widened in 2001 when it became the external representative of the Cabinet Office of Japan. It took over the responsibilities of the Financial Reconstruction Committee, and also took over responsibility for failed financial institutions.Today, the FSA Japan is held accountable to the Japanese Minister of Finance and enjoys a wide scope of responsibility.

Informações sobre a corretora
Warning Anúncio
Resumo da divulgação
  • Correspondência de divulgação Correspondência de número regulamentar
  • Tempo de divulgação 2017-12-19
  • Motivo da penalização problema reconhecido
Detalhes da divulgação

Ação administrativa contra a Iwai Cosmo Securities Co., Ltd.

19 de dezembro de 2017 Agência de Serviços Financeiros Iwai Cosmo Sobre ações administrativas contra sociedades anônimas Iwai Cosmo (Sede: Chuo-ku, Osaka, número corporativo 5120001077418), a Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission recomendou medidas administrativas como resultado de uma inspeção que encontrou problemas. O diretor tomou medidas administrativas contra a empresa (para detalhes, consulte o Site do Departamento de Finanças Locais de Kinki). * " Iwai Cosmo Com relação a ações administrativas contra sociedades anônimas” (site do Kinki Local Finance Bureau)
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