Securities and Commodities Authority

2000년정부 규제

Since its inception, the Securities and Commodities Authority has been keen on putting the objectives stated in the Federal Law No. (4) of 2000 into effect by sparing no effort to strengthen the legislative structure through issuing such regulations and instructions that ensure the development of the organizational and supervisory framework of the list joint-stock companies and other companies operating in the securities field. Besides, the Authority has introduced some controls and criteria that would contribute positively to enhancing the investors' trust in the Authority.

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  • 공개 시간 2021-01-24
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sca는 회사가 " GULF TRADER " 및 이에 링크된 웹사이트( 및 (는 SCA로부터 어떠한 라이센스도 갖고 있지 않습니다. 따라서 SCA는 투자자에게 앞서 언급한 회사와 어떠한 사업 활동도 하지 말 것을 경고합니다. 필요한 규제 승인을 얻지 않고 sca의 조직 및 감독에 영향을 미칩니다.
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