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2023-12-11 21:45
Tailandia Tailandia

Incapacidad de retiro







2024-01-14 16:45
Tailandia Tailandia
2023-12-15 16:28


Please keep in mind that the spread on trading accounts can be widened before, in time, and after economic, political, and other news releases, during the Gap, at the time of Market opening (on Monday), as well as at the time of low market liquidity, and when a market situation is conditional on high spreads. Kindly consider that you can send a claim to the support team by email at support@fbs.com in case you believe that your trading order was executed incorrectly. We have checked the email address you used to register at FBS and didn't notice your requests to the support service about the highlighted issue. Thus, If the question is still relevant, please contact us by mail, so we can carefully investigate your case. Kind Regards, FBS Team.

2023-12-12 12:06
Hong Kong Hong Kong

Contactar con Bróker

2023-12-12 10:20
Hong Kong Hong Kong


2023-12-11 21:45
Tailandia Tailandia

iniciar mediación

本人在FBS入金1199美金使用对冲交易策略,帐户余额增至2879美金,出金时被平台冻结帐户。我咨询客服,客服说你把本金出金,利润通过第三方管道出金。当我还没搞明白,一会儿就要求做反洗钱调查。经过要求提交收入来源证明,Usdt交易所实名认证,银行地址对帐单等一系列繁琐的文件后,一直说要等待邮件回复。在邮件还没收到回复时突然发现帐户资金1680.37美金直接被扣除。后来发邮件询问,说是“ 公司怀疑您从事公司酌情认为可疑的异常活动或可疑操作”,没收帐户资金,三天后注销我的个人中心,停止经纪服务。本人感到无比气愤,该平台对盈利客户滥用反洗钱调查,在找不到正当理由的情况下,以单方面胡乱找个牵强的理由,直接划走账户资金。同时我的两个朋友账户也遇到相同的遭遇,被划走1313.7和776.27美金。本人强烈要求FBS平台及时归还我们的帐户资金。


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