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2021-05-04 06:50 نشر في البرازيل البرازيل


They are simple SCAM. When you open your account they dont even let you upload your documents, is blocked the option. Then they give you a wihtdrawal limit of 10000$ without verification. I have deposited, trade and they i tried to place the withdrawal ( after i had to pay 2% to transfer from my mt5 account to my btc wallet into their web site) but the withdrawal was blocked. I went to live chat where ALEX livechat agent told me that in order to withdrawal crypto i had to upload the documents ( at the time they finaly release the option to upload the documents ). But again, the limit they give to an unverify account is 10000$ or 0.177btc which at the time i had 0.088btc on my account. Well after i fight agains their uneficient website and horrible support team, my account was fully verified and i finally got the withdrawal unblocked .

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