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2021-03-16 04:05 نشر في المملكة المتحدة المملكة المتحدة

Forex Romance Furion Global scam

A Chinese woman ,Li Hongiuan, a VIP Customer of Furion Global befriended me on a a dating website, claimed to be interested in me and wanted to be my woman and would come to UK to marry me etc etc and after a few weeks persuaded me to transfer gradually a total of 40000 dollars to this scam platform , she said she would get insider info from her uncle as to when and what to trade. she convinced me by showing me her trade profits every time several hundred thousands dollars. She even transferred 10000 dollars to my account to make me transfer 5000 on my own . I started trading with her she would send me text as to when to buy and when to close the deal. I accumulated 130000 dollars in my account after trading many many times and each time profiting 10000-30000 Dollars. When I texted customer service to withdraw some money she suddenly texted me and made me do another trade and in 2 min she made me lose 154000. I was 24000 in neg , I was sad and angry , she offered to pay me 20000 but I had to transfer 4000 dollars myself. I refused. Furion Global has threatend me with legal action , I dont care , I have lost 40000 to these thieves and they have to pay it back, I will post reviews about them all over the net

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