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Unable to Withdraw

PROFIT CINDA LIMITED does not allow withdrawals

I have invested in Profit cinda limited through the broker Anh Phuc financial investment and support company limited based in Da Nang Vietnam, trading account 2077838 with investment capital of 1,000 USD. Then when I wanted to withdraw my capital, the exchange did not allow it and arbitrarily made consistent transactions without my consent and generated abnormally high profits, they asked me to submit money to prove that the anti-money laundering financial statement is 35% of the total amount more than 16,000 USD. When I didn't pay they froze my account for 7 months now. I asked the authorities to intervene with the above brokerage company to return my capital of 1,000 usd. Thank you, I would like to add some pictures of my 1000 USD deposit history on November 25, 2022 into my account 2077838.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-07-17 14:28
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-07-17 14:28
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money

This broker has lost my initial outlay, I have reported many times and asked to pay my initial outlay, but so far the exchange has not paid and blocked all contact.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-06-12 13:19
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-06-12 13:19
Unable to Withdraw

PROFIT CINDA LIMITED floor is full of scams

I denounce this floor which has cheated my money nearly 150,000,000 dollars and put me in debt. I hope the agency investigates arrest these scammers. They broke into the system and locked my account and I lost all the money I invested

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-25 22:27
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-25 22:27

do not pay your investment capital

this floor has lost my initial investment from 12/2022 until now; do not compensate me; I have submitted many times (38 times); but no one can help; I hope the authorities will consider and help me (my initial investment is $6000)

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-25 16:07
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-25 16:07
Unable to Withdraw


This platform has scammed me nearly 50,000 USD. By forcing customers to top up many times to entice consistent transactions, but then force customers to pay PIT, foreign currency conversion fees... and other reasons to scam customers, while goods platform still withdraw 50% profit from my account. Ask the police to get involved. Currently, this company is registered by Director Nguyen Van Phuc under the name Anh Phuc Financial Investment and Support Company Limited, address: No. 6 Phan Tu, My An Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang City.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-22 12:22
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-22 12:22
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw money

I deposited $1,500 into my account opened at PROFIT CINDA LIMITED on April 10, 2023. On April 14, 2023, when I made a withdrawal order, I only saw in the withdrawal history that the order was approved, but the money was not transferred to my bank account. I contacted the exchange's customer service staff, they denied responsibility and blamed the conversion bank. But the reality is that they intentionally did not execute my withdrawal order and took my money. Currently, their customer service staff has deleted my zalo friend and blocked contact with me. Apparently PROFIT CINDA LIMITED is scamming customers' money. I'm looking forward to your help, thank you very much

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-20 11:50
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-20 11:50

No transfer

This bank did not remit money to me, and I have successfully cashed out the withdrawal slip that has not been transferred for over 4 months. Seek help from institutions. He violated the contract and agreement he signed with me.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-04-24 09:29
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-04-24 09:29

Do not allow withdrawals

This platform intentionally lost my initial investment capital of 6,000 USD, asking for compensation according to the signed commitment; The platform used the initial investment capital improperly. my account has been frozen for almost 4 months now. hope the departments help

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-04-03 10:58
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-04-03 10:58

Cannot withdraw

The exchange intentionally increased my account's abnormal earnings with some consistent trading; asking me to prove my finances by the extraordinary increase in income equivalent to the amount of 10,480 USD; I am not able and in the contract and commitment of the Company does not mention that matter; now the exchange has frozen my MT4 account and won't let me withdraw my initial investment of 6000 USD for more than 3 months. hope the functional departments help.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-03-07 14:54
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-03-07 14:54

Do not allow withdrawals

Ask the platform to return my initial investment of $ 6000, because san did not comply with its commitments and intentionally gave inappropriate reasons, consistent trading profits higher than the initial investment; Having to prove my finances is absurd and I don't record that profit. now the broker has locked my account and does not transfer the initial investment. request the higher authority to consider and resolve.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-27 15:35
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-27 15:35

Suggest that the exchange keep its commitment for customers to withdraw money

After the incident happened to agree to reopen the account for the customer and for the benefit of both parties. I agree to leave that capital until the party withdraws enough capital. Now that party has withdrawn enough and now asks to withdraw the money. I have to pay 50% (5826.5 USD) but when I agree on the support platform to close, I don't talk about this issue. That party withdraws profits but blocks the withdrawal direction of customers. True commitment with customers to not withdraw money.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-24 19:19
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-24 19:19

Don't let fairy

The platform request PROFIT CINDA LIMITED to return my initial investment, $6000, given by the company incompatible with the commitment and signed contract, since then the exchange has locked my account and not let me withdraw, have I made a withdrawal order, the system announced that it was set up, but so far I have not seen the transfer, but so my account has been locked and I can't withdraw money; please ask the relevant agencies to consider and help.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-24 15:39
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-24 15:39

Do not allow withdrawals

Asked the platform PROFIT CINDA LIMITED to pay my initial investment capital of 6,000 USD. Two months ago, because the platform intentionally did not comply with the commitments and signed contracts; made me lose my initial investment. locked my account and did not transfer my payment. Asking agencies for help.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-14 11:08
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-14 11:08
Unable to Withdraw

Freeze account, do not allow withdrawals

The QLTC team made a consistent transaction and reported that the account was more than 190% profitable and suspected of money laundering. Ask me to submit more to prove financial capacity. Don the large amount I can not meet. MT4 freezes the account and does not allow withdrawals.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-13 20:53
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-13 20:53
Unable to Withdraw

Do not allow withdrawals

Proposing san Profit cinda limited to compensate for my initial investment, because the trading company gave reasons that were not consistent with the commitment and then locked my account; deliberately did not transfer money to me. hope the authorities help

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-09 09:44
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-09 09:44

Can't withdraw money

My MT4 account is 2076122. After consistent trading, my account balance is more than $28000. However they don't allow withdrawal because profit is higher than account balance, they ask to deposit 50% of total current account balance to verify the account and then withdraw, and this is a sign of fraud, request the authorities to help me and other players withdraw our original amount invested, (below are some pictures of the company's top-up and commitment, the phone number of the consultant who calls regularly, Hien's name).

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-03 15:19
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-03 15:19

No money transfer

Ask the exchange to transfer money to me; any account lock and misappropriation of my assets. I made a withdrawal and got a confirmation without transferring the money to me. I hope the authorities can help me.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-02 17:21
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-02 17:21

No money transfer

Exchange PROFIT CINDA LIMITED , has appropriated my property in the amount of 6,000 usd from december 14, 2022 until now; because the floor has a team of financial transaction management to trade on my principal with a higher profit ( 10,480 usd ) so san is required to prove financial 8,525 usd ( paid in ) ; i think this amount of interest is not appropriate and i also have a request from the floor that i do not receive this amount of interest; the floor informed me that if i don't prove my financial status, my account will not be withdrawn (6000 usd). thank you (i made a withdrawal order on the mt4 system with confirmation, but it did not return to me. )

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-02 10:38
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-02-02 10:38

Do not allow withdrawals

san did not transfer my payment, but today, 2023.01.30, they continue to ask me to deposit 8,525 USD to prove my financial ability to withdraw; Request your agency to consider and help. These people are currently active (5; 6 hours to open zalo); call to recharge

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-01-30 14:53
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-01-30 14:53

Don't send me money

I made a confirmed withdrawal order but the exchange intentionally did not transfer the money to me, asking the authorities to help me; ask this exchange to pay me

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-01-30 11:27
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-01-30 11:27
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