بحث الوسيط
2024-03-07 02:09
باكستان باكستان
Refund my amount back
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2024-04-14 10:26
باكستان باكستان
2024-03-15 10:16


Dear Wendy,Thank you for taking the time to leave us your review, and we understand your frustration over your situation.However, we would like to address the trading methods you were using, as they are not in line with Vantage's policies. We kindly request you to refer to the client agreement that you acknowledged when creating your account with us. This agreement outlines the trading practices that are not tolerated by our platform: https://www.vantagemarkets.com/pdf/Vantage_Global_Limited_Client_Agreement_December_2023.pdfAt Vantage, we place great importance on compliance and security to ensure the integrity of all transactions. We have implemented various measures to guarantee that our services align with our policies and provide a fair and transparent trading environment for all our valued traders.We have taken note that you have withdrawn all your deposited funds. Thank you once again for your feedback, and we appreciate your understanding in this matter.

2024-03-07 11:19
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ

الإتصال بالوسيط

2024-03-07 10:04
هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ

تم التحقق منه

2024-03-07 02:09
باكستان باكستان

بدء الوساطة

hello sir, I am a user of vantage broker, but they deducted my amount in the name of PNL ,  from my MT4 account number 610051775, the deducted amount of 395 USD without any reason, Its a cheap activity , kindly help me in returning my amount back . So I shall be very thankful to you


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