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2023-10-17 16:19 نشر في هونغ كونغ هونغ كونغ

Unable to withdraw funds. If you don't sign their agreement, you won't be able to withdraw the principal.

I contacted the customer service of the official website and asked about the withdrawal issue. This customer service was transferred to another customer service who also did not answer any questions. I was been left on read. After contacting the account manager, they replied that the risk control department had detected the existence of my transaction. Violation. I asked them to indicate which of my trading orders violated their trading rules. The account manager said he didn’t know. It was later explained that if I want to withdraw my principal, I must sign their platform’s trading violation liability agreement. I There is no violation of regulations. Their platform will give you money if they want to. If they don’t want to give it, you can’t receive it. You can only deposit but not withdraw on this platform!

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التالي هو التوصية الأصلية



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