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2021-04-10 05:37 نشر في فرنسا فرنسا

unable to withdraw

I have bought shares with MWNG since early 2020 without a problem. I now needed to withdraw profits and have discovered what everyone else knows. It took over 3 weeks to get the external account validated by them, then I asked for funds to be transferred, shockingly I received 3 emails notifying me that I’ve asked for a transfer but no transfer took place. I immediately submitted a complaint to financialrecovery .tech and made a phone call to MWNG a few minutes later where they confirmed my request was received and would be processed in one to two days. The request would still have been pending till now, but the complaint I submitted got me a refund. I kept thinking to myself, Why does a request for transfer of funds need to be processed? It should be automatic and should be in the external bank account the same day it is requested. How can a firm justify such outdated practices?

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