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2021-03-21 17:26 نشر في الولايات المتحدة الولايات المتحدة

unregulated fees

I was told that two rounds of my data were wrong, and the results were not the same as theirs. And that I had to cover the position again. So I did, by investing additional 57,550 yuan to my initial deposit of 120,000 yuan. After a number of successful trades, I wanted to withdraw and found that my account had been frozen, I contacted the customer service as well as the police but it was my report to financialrecovery.tech that got me a refund. Customer service said that my credit score wasn’t enough, I needed to buy credit points to recharge, a credit point of 4,000 yuan a point, buy 30 points, a charge of 120,000 yuan, I knew at this point that I was deceived, so I went and filed a report.

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