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2021-01-19 11:20 نشر في الولايات المتحدة الولايات المتحدة


I started trading on December 3, 2020, with 300,000 yen ($2,900) through account analyst named Kate. Then I deposited 1.2 million yen ($11,500) as she instructed me to add more margin to make a bigger profit. (At this point, my total deposit was about $14,000)She instructed me to aim for a cumulative deposit of $30,000, in order to have a wider margin and more profits. However, I ended up selling my other financial assets to make the deposit. This was a big mistake. (Total deposit amount: $30,722) On December 23, I told Kate that I wanted to withdraw all funds ($133,968).Kate told me that I had passed the withdrawal review and that I should pay 20.315% ($20,974) of my earnings ($103,246) as income tax within three business days. I felt this was obviously strange. However, I reported to a financial recovery agency by sending an email to support@financialrecovery.tech and their experts got back to me revealing the scam behind btcusdt and how they are not regulated, i have managed to get some of my funds back through financilrecovery.tech and my case is still in progress. BTCUSDT is a big scam and they should be brought down, they have caused more harm than good.

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