Nível Regulatório


Monetary Authority of Singapore(MAS)

CingapuraFundada em 1971 Regulado pelo governoRegulamento ForexOrganização Internacional de Regulação


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PSN: --

Proteção ao Investidor: --

Membros: 13

Estabelecido: Fundada em 1971

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MAS Introdução da Organização

MAS is the integrated regulator and supervisor of financial institutions in Singapore. In 1970, Parliament passed the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act leading to the formation of MAS on 1 January 1971. The passing of the MAS Act gave MAS the authority to regulate the financial services sector in Singapore.MAS has been given powers to act as a banker to and financial agent of the Government. It has also been entrusted to promote monetary stability, and make credit and exchange policies conducive to the growth of the economy. In April 1977, the Government decided to bring the regulation of the insurance industry under MAS. The regulatory functions under the Securities Industry Act (1973) were also transferred to MAS in September 1984.MAS now administers the various statutes pertaining to money, banking, insurance, securities and the financial sector. Following its merger with the Board of Commissioners of Currency on 1 October 2002, MAS also assumed the function of currency issuance.

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