Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

5 pieces of exposure in total


Unable to withdraw

If I wanna withdraw funds, it will show the server error. Is it a scam?

Japan Japan 2021-05-11 16:37
Japan Japan 2021-05-11 16:37


As you can all see in the following pictures, i made a BITPAY withdrawal request, they charged me BITPAY FEES but i realize, after an email Jose Pino sent to me, they pay their clients via UPHOLD where the FEES are less. RIDICULOUS!!!!!PLUS they took 6 business days to complete a 4hrs max transaction when they knew BTC price was going up. THEY TAKE YOUR MONEY FROM YOUR ACCOUNT so that way you cant make any other requests and you dont have an idea of where is your money.Lost 4.6k with TRADEVIEW. They arent a serious broker and they dont care much as seems to.NEVER RECOMMEND THIS BROKER

Brazil Brazil 2021-01-15 07:32
Brazil Brazil 2021-01-15 07:32
Unable to Withdraw

Took them 6 business days to make a BTC transaction

TRADEVIEW is a company who tries to scam their clients. Ive made a withdrawal request via BITPAY with a segwit wallet on dec 27th and after i got in contact many times with Jose Pino i finally received my transaction on jan 6th. They are charging the clients BITPAY FEES when they pay via uphold where the fees are much lower. I lost 4.6k where i believe is all planned. They dont pay clients via BITPAY but still charging BITPAY FEES. If they know BTC is going up and you make a withdrawal request via btc, they will take days to make the transaction when BTC is up higher. Theres many pictures about what happened to me in this broker. BE CAREFUL. THEY WILL TRY TO MAKE EXCUSES SO THEY CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR GAINS. DONT RECOMEND

Brazil Brazil 2021-01-13 15:21
Brazil Brazil 2021-01-13 15:21

Not a serious broker

I create a EURO account and deposit with my Debit Card in EURO and TRADEVIEW somehow converts it to RUB without a client know. After several attempts to reach the support by email and live chat I got no answer, I lost 100euro just to deposit. Not going again!!!

Portugal Portugal 2020-11-05 03:14
Portugal Portugal 2020-11-05 03:14

The platform induced me to trade by low spread and then caused forced liquidation through slippage.

Despite of the abnormal quotation on crude oil and insufficient margin, the platform dealt my 2 orders at the time, causing all losses!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-21 14:27
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-04-21 14:27
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