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Unable to Withdraw

Can't get my money back

Withdraw about 1 month ago, I contacted the customer support but reply me with meaningless reply. They don't give a timeline for the withdrawal. Tradesto confirm is the scam. If anyone can help to get back, I don't mind to give some tips. The best is let them shut down and get sue.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-12-21 09:55
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-12-21 09:55
Unable to Withdraw

My withdrawal took more than half a year and was still not done.

I withdrew from May 21 and there was still no result. I wrote email to the platform but they did not give a complete solution. They only told me to wait but I did not know how long. I had problems with my investment and it was important to me. I hope they could return the money to me. Please help me get it back. I’d like to pay you tips. It was better than losing everything.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-10-26 12:04
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-10-26 12:04

Account disabled

Stay away from it. The balance in my account totaled $600 but it was unavailable.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-23 22:26
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-23 22:26


I deposited $5000 on June 20 but my account did not receive it. Then they disappeared and my investment was gone.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-23 16:54
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-23 16:54

Scammer broker of fast-tradeoption, they don’t let me get back the money.

Scammer broker of fast-tradeoption, they don’t let me get back the money. Don’t trade with fast-tradeoption. At the beginning ( maybe June) I talked with Mr. Frederick in Linkedin about how your company’s colleagues scammed me. Mr Frederick said he could help. As long as I opened an account with his company and put $5000 in it, he could help me migrate the old account to a new account then I can get back what my deposit. Before I made the deposit, I asked him so many times if there were any fees for withdrawal. He said NO. So I put $5000, during which he said that the money from the old account can be transferred to the new account. A week later, when I wanted to get back my profits $72778. After I sent the withdrawal request different fees were derived. Firstly is $2000 for IBPC, secondly is $3500 manager fee and TAX, thirdly is $5000 UPGRADE account to get money. At that moment I had asked Ms Clara to write an email to me, after this upgrade no other extra fee I need to pay. Unfortunately, I got an email about ITF $2700 and finally it is 10% 21550 (finally he deduct to $15000) of the manager’s COMMISSION profit.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-21 15:08
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-21 15:08
Unable to Withdraw

withdrawal issue

They told me that my bank withdrawal request has been approved on March 9 2021. But I actually I requested the withdrawal request 2 weeks earlier than that. it took 2 weeks to get approved. now already been how many months yet i still havent receive my withdrawals. i tried to contact the customer service, you can read in the picture what they said.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-05 22:53
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-05 22:53
Unable to Withdraw


Unable to withdraw since January until now

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-08-24 04:17
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-08-24 04:17

Beware scams platform

Beware of Big Brain Bank & CL group people, they introduce clients like me to use copy trade and loss the account in one day.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-08-18 21:38
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-08-18 21:38

URL unavailable

I can’t search the URL. It is unavailable. I want to change another platform but I can’t withdraw.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-07-18 17:09
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-07-18 17:09

Withdrawal problem

Can't withdraw money I said 2 weeks ago that the withdrawal batch was in March. Now I say that I haven't talked about withdrawal batch until March

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-16 11:39
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-16 11:39
Unable to Withdraw


2 weeks ago said that the latest approve withdrawal was on March 16th Ask again today, which batch is the withdrawal now? Tell me again that the current withdrawal is in January? CK BBB agreed to withdraw money in one week? I haven't gotten it in 2 months

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-15 17:20
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-15 17:20
Unable to Withdraw


Ck? BBB? Tradesto? 2 weeks ago, said which batch of the first withdrawal was in March Email tradesto today Does it say that the latest withdrawal was in January? ? Roti Canai?

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-15 17:20
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-15 17:20

Unable to close orders

Cannot close or open orders and cannot set tpsl to cause losses

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-14 22:57
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-06-14 22:57
Unable to Withdraw

We agreed on the withdrawal time of 3-7 days

But they keep delaying.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-05-27 13:56
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-05-27 13:56
Unable to Withdraw

It has been nearly two months

My application hasn’t been approved yet! I’ve emailed them many times. No response!

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-05-26 09:31
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-05-26 09:31
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal issue

The withdrawal has been approved since 2 months ago but still not receiving any movey back yet

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-04-13 09:30
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-04-13 09:30
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

This platform is a black platform, and it hasn't been paid out since before the new year. It's been more than two months, and I feel that there is no hope that I will get the money

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-04-04 08:19
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-04-04 08:19
Unable to Withdraw

Only allow deposits

Don't pay? I suggest you don’t use this tradesto

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-04-03 19:36
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-04-03 19:36
Unable to Withdraw

Slow withdrawal

It has been a month. And the customer service can’t give me an accurate time. Is it reasonable that it takes so long to get my principal back?

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-03-16 14:00
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-03-16 14:00
Unable to Withdraw

Confirm Scam Broker!!!

Withdrawal process can take till 1month above still haven’t come out!!! What a scammer!!!

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-03-14 22:05
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-03-14 22:05
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