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13 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw due to “insufficient volume trading”They ask you to pay this and that and never release your asset from platform.

HongKong Scammers. Be aware because they made me pay trading volume twice, security deposit, risk deposit, and want more until I gave up as I became indebted. They never released your asset from platform. It’s and I am not sure if this is the actual rarlon. I don’t want anyone not to be a victim of this. They made promises once you made payment to let you extract money but then they will not reply for so long until the next day and ask for more payment. Bunch of scammers.

Australia Australia 2021-07-03 21:44
Australia Australia 2021-07-03 21:44
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable since September. Now the platform is out of contact.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-12 08:03
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-12 08:03


Having seen many person couldn’t withdraw fund in RARLON , I decided post these to give you some help. RARLON was established in Shijiazhuang. Its boss is named Du Yien and salesman Wang Siqi. Currently, the website,, is disabled, as well as the backstage. Obviously, it has absconded. Wang Siqi’s number: 156****1111

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-02 21:27
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2020-01-02 21:27
Unable to Withdraw

The request is always under approval. The platform is out of contact.

The request is always under approval. The platform is out of contact.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-30 13:34
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-30 13:34
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in RARLON

Since June, 2018, the withdrawal is unavailable in RARLON . Who could tell me what happened?

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-13 14:14
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-13 14:14
Unable to Withdraw


I deposited in RARLON in this September. But the withdrawal is unavailable for 3 months. Hope relevant regulator see to this. Scam platform.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-12 22:02
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-12 22:02
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable for 2 months.

I deposited $3000 in September. In October, the fund is unable to withdraw. The platform has been holding off time until now!!!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-09 12:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-12-09 12:30

The withdrawal is unavailable for several months.

The withdrawal is unavailable for several months, still under verification.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-28 16:33
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-11-28 16:33

RARLON platform enabled clients to add position by giving reverse order recommendation

RARLON is a dealing-desk platform,which enables clients to add position by giving reverse order recommendation, as well as blocking their accounts.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-06 20:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2019-01-06 20:30

Deliberately gave reverse order recommendations

The adviser deliberately gave reverse order recommendations. He asked me to go long at 4:30 in the afternoon, but the orders were stopped out. He again asked me to go long at around 7:30, while the market has been falling down.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-11 14:16
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-11 14:16
Unable to Withdraw

They won’t let me withdraw and made my position liquidated.

My withdrawal request was rejected. They told me to check the result next week. But I found my position was liquidated the next week.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-09-23 01:53
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-09-23 01:53


I trade on RARLON. Because of my instructor Huang, I lost a lot. The platform gave a lot help and punished Huang. The thing is settled down. My last post is a mistake.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-30 21:47
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-07-30 21:47

The platform’s analyst is suspected to cause a forced liquidation via deliberate mistakes

In the face of a major unilateral market error, they did not let me stop the loss first but let me continue to increase the position, resulting in orders being trapped. After that, all quotations were wrong judged in the process of unpacking the traps, resulting in loss getting bigger and bigger,

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-06-24 19:32
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-06-24 19:32
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