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5 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Another Ponzi Scheme

This outfit is just another scam. I have been trying to close my account Edith these guys. There’s no way that will happen. As a matter of fact one of their employees told me that will never happen on top of that they call me once a week trying to convince me they are legitimate DO NOT invest your money with this company ccause uou will never get it back

Canada Canada 2023-05-10 22:41
Canada Canada 2023-05-10 22:41

Pyramid Scheme

Titantrader trader is a pyramid scheme that are proud to admit to me that they stole my money and will never get it back I am a paralyzed man in a wheelchair that is homeless b et cause of these brokers These people are are evil and are proud of that fact. Stay away from these people

Canada Canada 2023-04-15 06:36
Canada Canada 2023-04-15 06:36
Scam - Israeli Scam Titan refuses withdr

All this begun on July 2015. My father bought a robot for trading which advised to put money on 4 different platforms so that loses can be compensated and one of this platforms was Titan-trade. As soon as titan-trade account was opened and 250$ was deposited he received call from Svetlana Titova ( i guess it was well know fraudster Tatiana Pintus) who said that robot is bad if you want to earn more money you should work with real forex “guru”J. We have complain for 60 year old persons who get.

Pakistan Pakistan 2021-10-15 06:54
Pakistan Pakistan 2021-10-15 06:54

Scam broker.

This broker denied withdrawal to a client and closed his account thereby scamming him $26000. Stay away.

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-07-13 17:49
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-07-13 17:49
Unable to Withdraw

They disappeared

They completely disappeared from the Internet, and their IP address was not found. I invested 379 dollars in them, and it has reached 5,000 dollars, but this is a scam, right?

Venezuela Venezuela 2021-06-30 21:14
Venezuela Venezuela 2021-06-30 21:14
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