Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

7 pieces of exposure in total

Severe Slippage

Market manipulation

I placed a trade with a stop loss I passed it approximately 240 pips I closed in negative in the same trade in another broker I closed in positive market movements very exaggerated in relation to other platforms.

Mexico Mexico 2023-01-28 00:58
Mexico Mexico 2023-01-28 00:58
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw for long

I've sent numerous emails to their customer service over the last two months, but they haven't really responded; instead, they keep saying that the finance team needs to verify the account. I knew I needed help right away, which is why I complained to Cyb3rnub,net. Account verification, in my opinion, is just a ruse to hold my money, but they weren't that clever, therefore I would advise people to be very careful with their investments and outwit them.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-01-26 19:51
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-01-26 19:51

They haven't processed my withdrawal yet Castle Rock

On December 09, 2022 I requested a withdrawal for $96038 USD and at the beginning of January 2023 it had not been processed, they informed me that they had problems with the crypto payment processor, which they were solving. I returned the money to trade again, however hpy I just requested again the withdrawal of the total of my capital $191522.42 USD, waiting for them to process the withdrawal. By contacting the broker's support I know that they have not yet solved the problem and that they have several pending withdrawals to be executed.

Costa Rica Costa Rica 2023-01-25 08:57
Costa Rica Costa Rica 2023-01-25 08:57


I started working with them in May 2022, they fired me on December 28, 2022 and they still haven't paid my compensation !!!!!!!!! Clients have had a lot of money gone from their accounts.

Uruguay Uruguay 2023-01-23 21:19
Uruguay Uruguay 2023-01-23 21:19
Unable to Withdraw

my requested withdrawal was not successful

request the withdrawal of all the capital 1,870 USD, from January 10 I contacted the broker and they told me that the withdrawal is effective from 1 to 5 business days I did not arrive in that period of time, then I contacted him again broker they tell me that they have had problems with the payment processor that at the end of the week they disbursed and they didn't. effect the disbursement correctly moment the withdrawal was never made effective the withdrawal

Colombia Colombia 2023-01-21 14:39
Colombia Colombia 2023-01-21 14:39
Unable to Withdraw


I requested the first withdrawal of 80 USD on January 6 of this month and it never arrived, it took one business day to make the withdrawal. I canceled that withdrawal and requested the withdrawal of all of my funds, 1,870 USD. From the 10th January I contact the broker and they told me that the withdrawal effective dya is from 1 to 5 business days. It's also never arrived in that period of time, so that, I contact the broker again. They told me that they have had problems with the payment processor, they already disbursed at the end of the week. But they didn't. I contacted again and they never answered me. I contacted the accessor via Whatsapp, they never answered me, they never gave me any reason, at the moment the withdrawal was never made effective.

Colombia Colombia 2023-01-21 04:31
Colombia Colombia 2023-01-21 04:31
Unable to Withdraw

They cheated me

I withdrew $5400 from this platform as the pictures showed. But all of it was gone and I did not receive anything. In my account, there was no withdrawal. I deposited 73,914 pesos. Help.

Venezuela Venezuela 2021-10-20 06:45
Venezuela Venezuela 2021-10-20 06:45
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