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6 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Fraud Platform, Fraud MT4

Depositing various head accounts to withdraw cash but saying that they have to pay a share of the deposit, a bunch of excuses not to withdraw cash. After checking online, I found that there are also other victims who have doubled their profits through online investment. Attracting people to deposit and deposit accounts are different head accounts every time When I wanted to withdraw the money, it said that I had to pay a security deposit to withdraw the cash. The official website of the cash withdrawal could not be opened, and the webpage became a fraud prevention. I searched the Internet and found that there were other victims, and their MT4 was a black-hearted platform. Manually changing the price by yourself is cheating and saying that the position is liquidated, and you need to deposit money quickly to make up the difference. The official MT4 download platform is downloaded from the official website of the dealer behind it, and their download platform has become a black-hearted website and cannot be opened.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-01-07 13:56
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-01-07 13:56
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Apply for many times. It is either in pending or not approved. Click the official website to become a fraud prevention website, and only know other websites

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-19 12:29
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-19 12:29
Unable to Withdraw

Need to pay share before withdrawal

The more you deposit, the more you pay. Who can afford it

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-11 11:29
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-11 11:29

ultiple price manipulation

Use pirated MT4 and suspected of price manipulation in the background, resulting in liquidation

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-08 00:11
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-08 00:11
Severe Slippage

Serious slippage leads to liquidation

Is there really a problem with this roll dealer? Previously, due to the sudden skyrocketing and plummeting relationship, the position was liquidated. I lost more than 60,000 US dollars in an instant and asked me to make up for the loss of about 15,000 US dollars. Last night, the instant skyrocketing and skyrocketing happened again, which made my account unable to hold on and lost more than 50,000 US dollars. U.S. dollars, and now I am asked to make up for the loss. Is this a fraud platform? Should I make up for the loss? I also remitted 1.1 million including making up losses, and each time I designated the remittance to a different account to avoid monitoring. If this is a black platform, can WikiFX, the foreign exchange platform, help recover the remitted money? This is the latest link to log in to the brokerage platform:

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-07 08:01
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-07 08:01
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

One month ago (early November 2022), I opened an account and deposited funds through the line claiming to be "SST". During this period, I followed Chen Jingren and Zhang Yunjia to operate online, and the profit rate was nearly 100%. Later, my assistant Pan Xiyi issued instructions through line messages. The profit rate is also close to 100%. The period lasted less than a month. On 11/28, the assistant Pan Xiyi suddenly notified the settlement at the end of the month, and the profit share of 44,500_USD must be paid, otherwise the funds in the platform will not be withdrawn... At this moment, I realized that I had fallen into a fraud! Paying the share again is "meat buns beat dogs". Therefore, when I tried to withdraw, it always showed "Pending". Until today, the withdrawal page has been unable to log in! The operating platform also shows "account is invalid"

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-05 15:35
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-12-05 15:35
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