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17 pieces of exposure in total


Rayz guarantees that my withdrawal will arrive within 48 hours. I meet all the conditions.

Rayz's general manager spoke up and explained what was happening at the Japanese branch. Our Japanese branch is no longer supported or authorized! Consultant Nakamura had been deceiving me all along. Rayz promised to help and resolve the affected customers of its Japanese branch. I complied with insurance and identification requirements. The support team assured me that I would receive confirmation of my withdrawal within 48 hours at the latest. I am sure of this. If I don't receive the money, I will expose them! -A.

Japan Japan 2024-04-14 10:06
Japan Japan 2024-04-14 10:06

Rayz's support team says my withdrawal will arrive today.

I requested a withdrawal from Rayz in Japan over 3 months ago. I was having a lot of issues, but the support team stopped responding and I was unable to access my account. I was contacted by Rayz headquarters on March 14th and they explained what happened at their Japanese branch and suggested a solution to withdraw the money. Rayz required me to meet some conditions and I received confirmation of the withdrawal today. The support team told me that I would receive the money today, so I will not delete the post as a precaution in case I do not receive the money today. I can't deny that the support team at Rayz headquarters was helpful. But I won't be calm until I receive the money. I believe the words of everyone at Rayz.

Japan Japan 2024-04-01 09:14
Japan Japan 2024-04-01 09:14

Rayz agent says he will approve my withdrawal today.

I have been waiting for my money to be withdrawn for over a month. The support team stopped replying for a long time and sent me an email on March 4th explaining everything that happened at the company. When I tried to request a withdrawal, the email was interrupted. I was contacted by the head office on March 8th and they explained how to withdraw money. Today, I fulfilled all the requirements for withdrawal. If I don't receive the money today, I'm going to call the police.

Peru Peru 2024-03-14 20:47
Peru Peru 2024-03-14 20:47
Unable to Withdraw

Those who hate Sasayama Financial School

From 23/9, I was introduced to Rayz by Sasayama Financial School, and I made a deposit and started trading. On December 9th, I was suddenly told by Rayz Yamakawa, an assistant at Sasayama Financial School, that I would not be able to withdraw money unless I paid taxes and operating expenses. I was unable to make any withdrawals and suffered a loss of 14 million yen. I would like a refund of the amount I paid. A complete scam.

Japan Japan 2024-03-09 12:04
Japan Japan 2024-03-09 12:04

There was no way to retreat. The head office contacted me and said they would help me withdraw the money.

I invested about $75,000 in Rayz and made some profit. Everything was going well until I had a problem with my withdrawal and the support team became unresponsive. Today I received a message from the head office saying they will help me to withdraw my money. I hope they can help me.

Japan Japan 2024-03-05 02:32
Japan Japan 2024-03-05 02:32
Unable to Withdraw

I can't make the final withdrawal.

I was invited on LINE, and at first he told me to withdraw money, and then asked me to pay for the operating expenses. Even though I said I would pay the operating expenses from the account. But he told me to pay additionally.

Japan Japan 2024-02-20 13:51
Japan Japan 2024-02-20 13:51

My balance suddenly disappeared.

I can no longer log into my account and my balance is gone.

Japan Japan 2024-02-18 15:56
Japan Japan 2024-02-18 15:56

I applied for a withdrawal of $150,000 on 2023/12/25, but after it was put on hold, I was unable to log in on 2024/2/6.

I deposited $67,000 from 2024/9/11 to 2024/12, traded on mt5, and applied for a withdrawal of $150,000 including profit, but it is still pending. 1/24 A warning was issued by the Kanto Local Finance Bureau. Then on February 6th, I suddenly became unable to log in.

Japan Japan 2024-02-08 22:09
Japan Japan 2024-02-08 22:09
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

At first I was able to withdraw money, but in the end I was unable to do so for various reasons.

Japan Japan 2024-02-07 20:12
Japan Japan 2024-02-07 20:12
Unable to Withdraw

Rayz Liquidity Corp is a scammer⁉️

In mid-September last year, I was directed to Sasayama Financial School of the Line Group through an SMS advertisement, and Rayz Liquidity Corp was designated to open an account. It was my first time trading FX, but I started using MT5 because I was told there was nothing to worry about since it was AI-automated trading. The content of the cram school is that Mr. Sasayama gives lectures on analytical topics such as daily public offering status and moving average lines from candlestick charts. As a beginner in FX, I am very grateful that since I deposited 2 million yen in September, I have been making profits every day using AI automatic trading and MT5, so I took the provocation of my assistant Narita and other group members and made another 100 yen in October. I made an additional deposit of 10,000 yen and confirmed the withdrawal of 350 dollars once, but the money arrived in my account smoothly, and the AI automatic trading continued to generate profits every day. Then, in December, Rayz requested 20% operating expenses of the profit on the investment amount at the end of the year, without any explanation from the time I joined the school, before withdrawing money. I deposited all the surplus amount into AI automatic trading, borrowed over 700,000 yen from people around me and paid them back, paid operating expenses to the designated account, and took the time to withdraw 14,000 dollars. Are you an employee of Rayz Liquidity Corp? This time, they told me that I had to pay taxes to Rayz first, so I couldn't withdraw the money. Since then, I have been threatened several times, but I have put up with it in silence and am considering consulting with the police or a lawyer. However, at the end of December, the Sasayama Finance Juku Group seems to have created a new group, leaving me behind. In that case, I would like to withdraw from the school and receive a refund of $14,000 and the remaining balance.

Japan Japan 2024-02-03 16:10
Japan Japan 2024-02-03 16:10
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw $8,500.

I was planning to withdraw $800 to see if I could withdraw money. But I was unable to withdraw $8,500, and when I contacted them, there was no reply.

Japan Japan 2024-01-16 06:16
Japan Japan 2024-01-16 06:16
Unable to Withdraw

Kotaro Sasayama Investment Group Fraud

This is a scam that used Rayz Liquidity Corp to arrange AI investment at the end of 2023. In my experience, I was able to withdraw money by myself around September, but from the next December onwards, I was no longer able to withdraw money.

Japan Japan 2024-01-15 09:24
Japan Japan 2024-01-15 09:24
Unable to Withdraw

No withdrawals (deposits)

The amount in my trading account will be made into an e-wallet and then withdrawn to my bank account as a deposit. I made two withdrawals from my trading account. A RAYZ representative told me that the money would be deposited into my account within 2 business days, but since it was the end of the year, when I asked about 2 business days after the new year, there was no response and I have not heard from them yet. The first of the two withdrawal operations has been paid, but the money has not been deposited into the specified bank account. The second withdrawal operation is pending. This is expected to be approved soon, so 10 days will pass. I also wrote an inquiry on the official website, but there was no response. This is a company designated by a common SNS operation group. Similarly, I have not heard from that group or the person in charge since the beginning of the year. I would like to get back at least the amount I deposited, but is there a solution?

Japan Japan 2024-01-11 06:08
Japan Japan 2024-01-11 06:08
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw funds

I was told that I could withdraw money as soon as I added funds and the profit reached the target balance. So I deposited money, but I was suddenly told that I couldn't withdraw money unless I paid taxes. And the withdrawal procedure has been pending for a long time. Originally, tax obligations are supposed to be done by filing a final tax return, so you shouldn't have to pay taxes to an overseas Forex company.

Japan Japan 2024-01-10 10:28
Japan Japan 2024-01-10 10:28
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw money.

I applied for a withdrawal of $150,000 on December 25, 2023, but it is still pending and I cannot withdraw it.

Japan Japan 2024-01-08 22:33
Japan Japan 2024-01-08 22:33

I was able to withdraw money the first time, but not the second time.

I applied for a withdrawal of $2,000 and it says it has been processed, but the money has not been arrived.

Japan Japan 2024-01-02 08:50
Japan Japan 2024-01-02 08:50
Unable to Withdraw

One point: You cannot withdraw money until you pay the operating fee.

He joined Sasayama Financial School's LINE group, with Kotaro Sasayama as his teacher, Emi Narita as his assistant, and the person in charge of his RAYZ account called Oba. The amount deposited using the FXGT app was reflected instantly, so I trusted it, but in reality... Since the account is managed by RAYZ, he cannot withdraw money himself. I get a reminder LINE every day if I can't withdraw money until I pay the management fee for profits. He has deposited about 5 million yen and is at a loss. Mirror account? Well, I was happy when the number increased to 10 million. I would like to collect some of it anyway.

Japan Japan 2023-12-26 09:41
Japan Japan 2023-12-26 09:41
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