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9 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Induce fraud

After being induced by customer service to make a deposit, I was unable to withdraw money, and they even tricked me into depositing by various means. A total of less than 1 million was deposited, I hope the platform can help me to recover it

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-03-02 10:15
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-03-02 10:15

Hard-earned money

Around December 20, 2022, I entered the gold-trading platform through a friend and added a customer service manager called cityindrx who is the customer service manager, and started depositing through her. When withdrawing money, they deny the withdrawals by various reasons and deceving me to depopsit more. Since, I always want my money back, I got scammed more and more and cannot withdraw at the end.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-03-01 15:41
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-03-01 15:41

After inducing deposit, he refused to give the money for various reasons

Starting from Christmas Eve and Christmas, they used the company’s festival as an excuse to charge gold and anti-gold. The four-day event time was close to New Year’s Day. The reason was that the spread was lowered, the recharge was anti-money, and other reasons. During the event, the funds in the account suddenly disappeared at the end of the event. The double said that the security deposit exceeds the limit and cannot be withdrawn, and the account is locked and needs to be recharged and unsealed. After recharging, the withdrawal is said to be too large and detained by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Individuals need to pay personal income tax to get into the account

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-08 06:59
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-08 06:59
Unable to Withdraw

After being induced to recharge, I couldn’t withdraw money for various reasons, just because I didn’t leave too many screenshots due to my carelessness

The friends added through qq started to play stocks together for a long time, not to mention knowing a very good teacher who claimed to be Liu Zhenlin. He also invited another teacher who claimed to be Wang Shundong in the live broadcast room, and then built a group through a software called (listening and chatting). After a period of time, they said that the stock market is not good and let us speculate in gold. Because people in the group said that it is better to make money faster than stocks (in retrospect, it is all procrastination), so I got deeper and deeper and couldn’t extricate myself. I put myself and my side friends are suffering

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-08 06:39
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-08 06:39

Malicious hedging caused my account to be locked and I was unable to withdraw

I don’t know what happened the night before yesterday, and there were two more hedging orders in my account. I woke up today and found that the account could no longer be closed. The customer service said that you must pay a deposit to close the position and withdraw the money. Originally, I was planning to withdraw money today, so I couldn’t withdraw the money, and I had to pay to close the position and withdraw the money. Hope the platform can help me get my money back.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-05 19:55
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-05 19:55

After inducing us to deposit and trade for a while, I figured out that I could not withdraw the money and they directly disabled my trading account. The customer service blocked me. File a case with the police,

After inducing us to deposit and trade for a while, I figured out that I could not withdraw the money and they directly disabled my trading account. The customer service blocked me. File a case with the police,

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-05 19:47
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-05 19:47

I don’t know what happened the night before yesterday, and there were two more hedging orders in my account. I woke up today and found that the account could no longer be closed.

I don’t know what happened the night before yesterday, and there were two more hedging orders in my account. I woke up today and found that the account could no longer be closed. The customer service said that you must pay a deposit to close the position and withdraw the money. Originally, I was planning to withdraw money today, so I couldn’t withdraw the money, and I had to pay to close the position and withdraw the money. Hope the platform can help me get my money back.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-05 12:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-05 12:30

Maliciously hedge and lock the postition, resulting inability of closing position for me

This platform should be a fake platform. I was planned to withdraw today, but they maliciously hedge and lock the postition, resulting inability of closing position for me. After hedging more than 180,000 yuan, I feel very helpless now. I closed my position last night, and was locked up by malicious hedging. I woke up and saw that I couldn’t close my position. I really need help . The bank card that gave them the transfer amount before has just been checked and has been canceled. I feel cheated.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-04 06:44
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-01-04 06:44

Fraud network people pay more attention to keep in mind the name and appearance of these people

I am not fair, the justice of God will not allow me to follow the teacher to play gold investment in the middle of this year, resulting in the investment of more than 800,000 can not get out of the gold, when I was induced to join the teacher called Chen Ming, Zhang Hongye, through I have been tracking and my criminal investigation friends investigation, they continue to cheat, the aliases used are Wang Tianshun, Liu Zhenhua, the current platform is stolen from the regular international market City index's fake platform, the official website is The people involved in the scam are master No. Xu Hao (real name Zeng Xinghao), assistant No. Lin Ziyi (real name Chen Xiaomei), business number. After heavy police investigation, they cheat the process is as follows: the boss named (real name Lin Jian), he invested money, let the following people cheat, first through the shake fast with the business number to find add fish, guide the fish with the new chat software [listen to chat], and then through the business number, meet Wang Tianshun, Wang Tianshun will be invited into the group after a simple chat with the fish, the group get good two or three days after the start of the lecture, invited his During the period to send gifts on behalf of the teacher to launch the assistant number Lin Ziyi (real name Chen Xiaomei), the follow-up has been to start brainwashing, marketing process, the group will suddenly appear a master, powerful investment, successful career people Xu Hao (real name Zeng Xinghao) often send red packets, slowly Wang Tianshun will begin to slowly guide everyone to do gold, his friend Liu Zhen Sheng will also begin to cooperate with the fish who took the class together The company's business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers, including the following: the company's products and services, the company's products and services, the company's products and services, and the company's services. The last will be this expert Xu Hao (real name Zeng Xinghao) to get the fish gold account, help the fish to operate gold, make money to earn a lot, and then began to hedge lock, do not give the fish to close their own positions, said only to fill the money to close the position to withdraw, after the money will say that you need to pay the certification gold, because the account detection to others to operate, off-site login, need to be certified is my own, and have to pay money, after the payment will also say involved in money laundering and so on. A series of steps just won't let the fish finally out of gold, until the fish no money. I have experienced this nightmare, many friends to investigate their fraudulent investors real name (real name Lin Jian) home (Fujian Putian), the planner real name (real name Zeng Xinghao) home (Sichuan Guang'an), important co-conspirators real name (real name Chen Xiaomei) family (Fujian Quanzhou) The gold platform called City index, theft of other platforms Platform official website: https:// live platform: The following is the real identity information of their main participants in the scam, including the teachers where they lecture. I hope that if the people involved in their fraudulent platform can see this message in time to hang a horse, of course, if you remember to save this message after being cheated, we join together to make the police pay more attention to this matter, at present I am also using legal means to apply for assistance, but very slow, this process is very torturous, I hope more friends to join in, together so that this group of evil people can be brought to justice, do not let If the legal means is not feasible, I will eventually take other means, I will always track this group of criminals, no longer let them cheat!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-12-27 17:56
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-12-27 17:56
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