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Unable to Withdraw

Scam platform

At the beginning of the inducement and they chat later said how much money this various reasons to join him at the beginning of several profits can be taken out let me believe. Later deposit RMB less than 600,000 one after another said that the leek period can not operate will lose money out of the gold need to pay more than 200,000 tax this time realize that was cheated hope to see the future do not be fooled to be warned

South Korea South Korea 2023-02-19 07:13
South Korea South Korea 2023-02-19 07:13
Unable to Withdraw

They do not accept my withdrawal request of 70,000 yen.

When I withdraw 70,000 yen, the account balance is 2,090,000 yen, I was told to withdraw all of it, and was asked to pay taxes, so I could not withdraw. Please help to mediate it. Thank you.

Japan Japan 2022-10-19 13:32
Japan Japan 2022-10-19 13:32
Unable to Withdraw

Cang is a fraud

I won't stand by and let these individuals defraud any more people after it all began on facebook i met a girl that played with my feelings that recommended me into investing with Cang ltd i agreed to abd they accepted my investment of $96,000 USDT, but they insisted that they never received it. It wasn't until the AssetsClaimBack recovery expert intervened to put a stop on this scam and return on my investment. exercise caution Cang is only after running away with investors money.

United States United States 2022-08-19 17:02
United States United States 2022-08-19 17:02
Unable to Withdraw

Bad experience on this platform

The platform didn't give me a reason to why my account was blocked along with my principal and trading balance They kept delaying the withdrawal until the finances retrieved by fintrack/ org further exposed the malicious intentions of Cang Limited in that they will do anything to hold back your investment and try to push you into increasing your deposits with them, my advice is that you completely avoid Cang Limited and it's representatives.

United States United States 2022-08-19 15:23
United States United States 2022-08-19 15:23
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to Withdraw after Taxes

unable to withdraw, i have 13.818$ , need a pay taxes 20% to withdraw, i paid .. but there is another payment 978$ (internal deposit), i paid .. and again.. there is another payment 1.000$ (maintenance account) so i until u cant pay it.

Indonesia Indonesia 2022-08-19 06:08
Indonesia Indonesia 2022-08-19 06:08

Induce fraud

After applying for 200 times leverage, they did not allow the withdrawal, saying that I had to deposit 200,000 U.S. dollars before the specified date. After depositing, they inform that there was a suspicious amount of money laundering when depositing 200,000 U.S. dollars, and I need to make 30% deposit of the total amount, and then they manipulate behind the scenes, resulting in the loss of all funds

Australia Australia 2022-08-09 15:03
Australia Australia 2022-08-09 15:03
Unable to Withdraw

Close call

Do not try to trade with them , Why because if you lose you are more than welcome, but if you win more than few hundred dollars your account will be Blocked and won't get your profit. The same thing happened with me, I did register with them, I started with $30000, I managed to make a profit a bit over $80000, after that I request a withdraw of $40000. After my withdraw request they asked me to "provide a high-resolution photo of myself (selfie) holding your ID document with a current date, Cang ltd and your signature on a sheet of paper." Of course I did that and they approved it, The following day I found my account Blocked, and i never received the approved withdrawal, after I contacted them They refuse to unlocked my account and pay my profit and did not explain anything to me application form to Assetsclaimback aid . And now I'm informing all of you to not get scam from Cang ltd, i refuse to lose my money to them i seek aid.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-08-03 06:08
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-08-03 06:08
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Too hard to withdraw. Customer service's attitude is poor and just disappeared later

Unable to withdraw. Do not withdraw after the review is complete nor refund to you. I cannot operate nor get the money now.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-08-02 02:44
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-08-02 02:44

On July 17, the broker's deposit and withdrawal page could not be opened. There were more than 6 million yuan in the account, and the contact person could not be found.

In May, there was a person on Weibo called "Chunfengshiliburuni" who recommended Hongfei's lecture, and because the digital currency market was not good at that time, more than 1,000 people in the live broadcast room were taken to gold foreign exchange trading, and it was recommended to register for trading at that time. Trader account to deposit USDT online. The trader’s registration website is: After registration, I transferred 50,000 USDT to this trader’s account from the original digital currency trading platform, Biying and Hongfei and Chungang Shili are not as good as you. You can induce a fund with an investment amount of 10 million yuan and can distribute dividends every year. To increase the basic capital, and buy 200,000 USDT through remittance and transfer it to the account of the dealer Cang Limited, with a total of 2 million yuan before and after Hongfei. The order in the live room and the order in the CC chat software for 3 days in the afternoon have been inducing the students in the live room to increase their investment. Until the afternoon of July 17, the MT5 account login was invalid, and the trader could not be opened, Hong Feihe Spring Breeze is as good as you can't contact me. The total amount of my account is 6 million yuan, and there is a gold long order that is not flat. I still can't log in. The password is due to my limited computer skills, and the broker's website cannot be opened. I don't know how Find the password, please help! thank you all!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-07-21 06:07
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-07-21 06:07

Fraud platform. MT4 and website cannot be opened and unable to withdraw

Forex must trade at a formal platform. This kind of black-hearted platform and lecturer are completely fools.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-07-18 18:28
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-07-18 18:28
Unable to Withdraw

They are a big fraud

They are indeed a scam. It looked so real and i wanted to believe them so bad, but please don't put your money here. I had lost over $52,000 to this firm which they had and wouldn't return save the report made out to fintrack/org which set in motion the chain of actions that saw my investment returned ,Earlier on the account manager kept giving excuses for why the money couldn't be returned and stopped responding. I guess he hoped i will just go away

United States United States 2022-07-08 16:21
United States United States 2022-07-08 16:21

Be careful

They are not being honest to people, they'll lie just to take your money and after that disappear. Took me weeks running from pillar to post before I could make a breakthrough with assistance from Traceasset*org and get paid.

United States United States 2022-07-08 10:39
United States United States 2022-07-08 10:39
Unable to Withdraw

I am unable to make a withdrawal

At first everything seems fine and all was going so well that I could not believe my eye when I saw how much profits I have made Immediately I asked for a pay out,

United States United States 2022-07-07 13:34
United States United States 2022-07-07 13:34
Unable to Withdraw

Absolute distrust for this company

I did get a few unhelpful emails from them at first before the total silence, I sent emails, made online enquiries, called, and they tell me the same story over and over again, "An Agent will be contacting you today to sort out your issue". no one ever calls back! I read fintrack/ org consensus supported victims in enforcing withdrawals Cang Limited refunded my money when I did the same but it was rather frustrating to be in a state of uncertainty for that long Stay far far away from this company

Canada Canada 2022-07-06 12:36
Canada Canada 2022-07-06 12:36
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw through the investment company

This is nothing but a company made by heartless thieves. I invested a total of 87,500, by February my account balance got to 180,000 and I requested for withdrawal,because my account manager kept giving excuses and even tried to make me make more deposit to which I refused, at that point she stopped responding to me.

United States United States 2022-07-05 11:59
United States United States 2022-07-05 11:59

Best at manipulating people

I made several successful investments with this broker before losing 40% of my savings to the trading scam. It cost me so much money and pain to invest in an investment that was not even real.“They spread this false news that the bad comments and reviews they get is from their competitors and this is not true that believe is very false. I personally lost $48,000 to these guys. I almost went insane right about 2 weeks after my ordeal with them I tried using the recommendation of AssetsClaimBack Advisory for a chargeback, i always say i can never fall for a scam but i was definitely wrong but glad i didn’t lose all my money.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-07-05 06:53
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-07-05 06:53
Unable to Withdraw

They lie for a living

I paid this fake company with Luna coin. They try and me deposit my Luna coin, sending it to their "e-wallet" with promises that their team will turn it into more money, Alot of my money was stuck with Cang ltd . If they weren’t so aggressive I almost would of believed them but because they were so pushy it gave away they are not real company. They also speak very good english, just be very careful.

United States United States 2022-07-04 20:49
United States United States 2022-07-04 20:49
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