Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

9 pieces of exposure in total

Scam scams new customers

Zank's customer login website has been suspended ( Now they are re-using for new clients to scam them. The pictures below are of their new website from the website. Everyone be careuful please! !

Cambodia Cambodia 2022-08-11 18:20
Cambodia Cambodia 2022-08-11 18:20
Unable to Withdraw

Don't invest with this company

Zank Capital has taken $43,000 of my investment through false promises and as a result of unauthorized transactions. I have reported them to the Fraud Department and The Financial Conduct Authority, fintrack/ org hopeful there is a chance for retribution and more importantly that my investment be returned as it was the case with other investors.

United States United States 2022-06-15 05:38
United States United States 2022-06-15 05:38
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform always change its name

ZANK (Zank International Ltd) Fraud platform always change its name. Do not be deceived.

Cambodia Cambodia 2022-06-10 11:30
Cambodia Cambodia 2022-06-10 11:30
Unable to Withdraw

Learnt my lesson

My MT5 account at Zank has been taken for the past two weeks, which I found last week. By initiating and closing positions over the period of an hour, the thief converted the whole $107,000 capital in my account into commission and profit on the platform. After that, I attempted to contact customer service, but they refused to compensate me for my loss on the grounds that it could not be handled. It took a lawsuit filed by Assetsclaimback Legal department to get a quick recovery. Do not interact with Zank gang of con artists.

United States United States 2022-06-07 19:19
United States United States 2022-06-07 19:19
Unable to Withdraw

Zank lures you to invest through All means.Beware!

This strange girl reach out on WeChat and introduced me to this investment she has been doing which have made her a lot of profits . she sweet talked me to invest and upgrade my investment to VIP, when the withdrawal date comes , they ask me to pay tax

United States United States 2022-05-26 09:19
United States United States 2022-05-26 09:19
Unable to Withdraw

Zank is a scam

They did not allow the to withdraw my money, and required the me to trade 2000 lots before the withdrawal could be arranged I registered account in Zank two months ago. They started to prevent me from withdrawing funds when I got profits in the last month. i was able to withdraw with the action of AssetsClaimBack advisory All of It's horrible that they won't let me withdraw my funds after I've done good trade with them. Zank plan intended to take away my profits.

United States United States 2022-05-26 08:56
United States United States 2022-05-26 08:56
Unable to Withdraw

difficulty withdrawing

don't even bother trying to set up an account with Zank Capital, they take time to respond and usually with a very short & unhelpful answer imagine their reaction when they noticed the funds retrieved by fintrack/ org initially in my account had gone missing from their fraudulent platform When i was ready to start trading the manager at Zank Capital helped me set up but they wouldn't help with the withdrawal process. I'd advice you save your time and just use a more reliable investment platforms

Canada Canada 2022-05-26 07:27
Canada Canada 2022-05-26 07:27
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

the girl she just make the mistake to join in your WeChat and try to say about her and ask about you after one or two weeks she try to show her profit money from MT4 because her uncle can take her when it get the profits and try to make you join it put money in to trade and get profits every day but she want you to get more money and transfer her money to your and ask you to get VIP account it will get more profits needs $200,000 after I try to withdraw $20000 but she ask me to wait because this two weeks have profits so need funds and I just try to withdraw only $1700 it done after that she have me transfer to my account until $500.000 to upgraded to exclusive VIP and the day after we trading and get a lot of profit only two weeks my account over 1 million and she tell me her uncle said can withdraw all funds . After withdraw the VIP service ask me for the audit fee 5.6% to deposit and convert to AUD time to arrive but nothing I try to contact them. they said because of the big amount need to wait after that they sent me the resolve problem and need 1% more after that everything done just waiting for the money arrives. on the day that they informed me, my account can’t sign in and MT4 account has been frozen and the girl that I know over 5 months have broke my contact. Pleases pay attention to this scams platform ZANK Capital

Australia Australia 2022-05-25 18:37
Australia Australia 2022-05-25 18:37

Fraud that utilizing another company's regulatory number

Zank or ZKTrade is a platform uses the regulated AFSL code of the Australian website to defraud customers. They used Zank before, and now they switch to ZKTrade for scams. Please stay away from this scam platform! ! I've been scammed and can't withdraw money.

Cambodia Cambodia 2022-05-03 14:52
Cambodia Cambodia 2022-05-03 14:52
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