Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

6 pieces of exposure in total


After depositing money, the ba

After depositing money, the balance is not increased. What should I do? Can you help to solve it?

Malaysia Malaysia 2024-05-22 13:43
Malaysia Malaysia 2024-05-22 13:43
Unable to Withdraw


PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM VONWAY!!!! Vonway freeze my account without giving me reasons after i got profit! ive sent them email since two weeks ago which is 2nd sept and not getting any feedback yet! they just freeze my account and not giving me any reasons! VONWAY SCAM !

Malaysia Malaysia 2023-09-09 12:51
Malaysia Malaysia 2023-09-09 12:51
Unable to Withdraw

It's been 7 days since withdrawal placed,

I've placed a withdrawal request of 2380.92USD on 10/8/2023, It's been 7 days since my withdrawal placed, withdrawal status still showing pending check.One of the my friend, Vonway user, placed a withdrawal on 14/8/2023, and his withdrawal approved in just 3 hours.I ask live chat , but they just evading the problem , keep telling me they are facing high traffic.Even when I created a help desk ticket, the Vonway team also replying me the same answer , which they are facing high traffic.When I ask for a specific date or time which they will approve my withdrawal , they just escaping from my question, keep telling me the same answer which "due to  unforeseen circumstance, the withdrawal processing time is currently longer than usual". But thy other user withdrawal can approve immediately? But why mine take 7 days and still in pending check?Please pay me my profits.

Malaysia Malaysia 2023-08-17 14:12
Malaysia Malaysia 2023-08-17 14:12
Unable to Withdraw

Manipulative broker

Last June 22, 2023 i traded GBP news. 4 of my orders automatically closed below 180 seconds which already under violation by the Vonway policies . The issue is, i know they are only allowed to trade above than 180 seconds but during this news 4 of my orders was closed automatically below than 180 seconds. It seems like they close my order to start the manipulation and accuse me that i am using the Expert Advisor (EA) technique which is this technique also is under violation. Now they’re declined to withdraw the balance of my account with the reason their system detected that i’m using Expert Advisor (EA) system. They’re simplify accuse me while i’m just using buy and sell stop.

Malaysia Malaysia 2023-06-24 23:32
Malaysia Malaysia 2023-06-24 23:32
Unable to Withdraw

This is a scam.

If it was this kind of fraud, I tried to withdraw $50 into my account, but it took a long time. In the case that the customer service is not working properly, a message was sent to e-mail to seek support, VonWay Group did not reply at all.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-08 11:15
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-08 11:15

Unable to withdraw

I tried to withdraw my $50 in my acc but it takes a long time. I emailed them but no one answered me

Indonesia Indonesia 2021-03-15 14:50
Indonesia Indonesia 2021-03-15 14:50
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