Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

11 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Fraud Alert

I have requested a withdrawal from my account in july, and then again in september but chat and email support keep on answering that the account is under investigation...It is very suspicious as I have only made a couple of trades very easy to verify...I realize something is wrong when i seek help Fx6 is a big scam organization.

Netherlands Netherlands 2023-10-11 17:40
Netherlands Netherlands 2023-10-11 17:40
Unable to Withdraw

Fraudsters and swindlers

I invested about $6,000 in their application, and one of the scammers who works with them told me to help me by lending me $6,000, which became $12,000. I traded once and it became $14,000, until I wanted to withdraw $3,000 to my account in Binance, but it did not reach my address there. I contacted the department. The customers told me that I had to pay $850 so that they could solve my problem, but that did not happen. I spoke to them again and they told me that I had to pay them $350 as a fee for the IT engineer. But I refused and began to doubt their company. I researched them well and found that they were just a fake company. Fraudsters and thieves , After that they froze my account

Morocco Morocco 2023-10-10 19:52
Morocco Morocco 2023-10-10 19:52

You cannot withdraw money

I entered $6,000 and one of the scammers sent me another $6,000 in my account to make sure they were honest, but after I traded once and had $14,000, I wanted to withdraw $3,000, but it did not reach my account in Binance. I spoke to the customer service, but I was deceived. He said I had to send them $850 to solve my problem, but that was not done, and after I discovered that they were scammers, I confronted them with evidence, then they froze my account and blocked my number on WhatsApp.

Morocco Morocco 2023-10-07 21:06
Morocco Morocco 2023-10-07 21:06
Unable to Withdraw

A fraud

I can't withdraw money until the service email is not answered

Algeria Algeria 2023-08-21 05:09
Algeria Algeria 2023-08-21 05:09

Induced fraud

The human heart is unpredictable, and the sea is difficult to measure. Friends will sincerely exchange their feelings. Greetings and care for three meals a day, sweet words of assistance, brainwashing, temptation, and coercion, guide the gold FX6 icon (on the right) to the redesigned GOFX-Pro8 icon (on the left), all of which are black hearted platforms. Be sure to stay away from bad platforms, as these are all different names that refuse to contribute money. Don't believe in false love, it may cause you to jump into the fire pit.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-20 20:54
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-20 20:54
Unable to Withdraw

Digitalassetclaim boost chances of funds remover

After depositing 21,000 usd on this platform, the scammer actually induced me to take an online loan. If I didn't take it, the result was that only the account was disabled and all the money could not be withdrawn.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-07-20 14:54
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-07-20 14:54
Unable to Withdraw

FX6 Scam

A friend I met in Line induced me to join Fx6, I earned more than 50,000 uset, and then he said that the platform needs to be maintained, and he hoped that I would withdraw all the money, but I would have to pay a 20% management fee, so I paid, But I they didn't process my withdrawal. Later they said that my account had illegal operations, and I had to pay 3,000 usdt. I also paid, but still they didn't process the withdrawal. This is a scam.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-19 06:37
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-19 06:37

it won't let you withdraw

It's a scam please beware the name hailey green shows fake license new york documents

Colombia Colombia 2023-07-19 06:29
Colombia Colombia 2023-07-19 06:29
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

fx6 account used by a guy named Kieran under "James's million dollar club" name of group. total fraud. I lost my $2000 USD. cannot withdraw.

United States United States 2023-07-14 09:28
United States United States 2023-07-14 09:28


Swindlers, fraudsters, after I traded in, I traded from $6,000 to $32,450. I wanted to withdraw cash, but they excused that they wanted a 10% commission. I deposited it into their Binance account. Deposited $1,335 into their Binance account and told them to let me withdraw $10,000, but they refused and blocked my account.

Yemen Yemen 2023-06-30 15:47
Yemen Yemen 2023-06-30 15:47
Unable to Withdraw


我在IG上认识他,他给我讲了最近的战争,金价上涨,他自己赚了很多Usdt(这个是几万美金),周五进场盈利15%左右. 一开始查看APP,正常,没有差评。我投的很少,两次都是1000美元。方法:用台币通过Binance Exchange向商家购买虚拟货币,然后从Binance USDT转出到fx6平台。之后盈利很稳定,但他也用甜言蜜语迷惑我,我也亏了很多钱进去。直到最近(原约定进场2个月左右),他说客服给他发消息:入金20万USDT,可以赠送28888汇款利息。他说他参加了,他希望我也参加,一起赚钱。我说我别无选择,但他说他能找到办法。他叫我去高利贷公司借钱也无所谓。他说我挣的钱可以付那些高利息。然后问客服,如果参加了之后后悔没有参加,可以吗?客服说:汇款已经发出了,这个活动从开始就没有办法结束,所以我觉得这不是活动,而是陷阱……我跟他说希望他不要参与,这个平台有问题。我就跟他说平台有问题,别投了。 (试了很多方法问客服,问充值活动是不是新会员,会退回原价吗?)或者以老会员名义问,有没有新会员活动?客服会说可以:不过你只要投钱进去就可以了。 (但是详细内容很矛盾)只能怪自己一时没发觉,但希望大家不要再上当受骗。

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-06-26 22:15
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-06-26 22:15
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