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2 pieces of exposure in total



I will give you a loan because your funds are low. They pretended to add 9 million yen to my fund without any contract. Without any contract.  They repeatedly trade with the inflated funds to make it look as if they have made a profit.  When I tried to withdraw the money, I was instructed to pay back the debt first.  At first, they instructed me to send 60% of the amount, 5.4 million yen, not the full amount. The first step is to remit 5.4 million yen, 60% of the amount owed, not the full amount.  When I replied, "I want to return the money from the profit. If you do so, we will reduce the amount of repayment to 3,000,000 yen. Then, I will reduce the amount of repayment to 3 million yen.  When I remitted 3.6 million yen, they instructed me to remit 3.6 million yen again because it had entered my trading account instead of my refund account.  When I told them that I did not have that kind of money, they said, "Then, you only need to transfer another 1.2 million yen. Then, he told me to transfer another 1.2 million yen. I transferred 1.2 million yen to the account. Please transfer 1.2 million yen again. This is the last time. I confirmed this with the exchange. I have also confirmed with the exchange.  When I remitted another 1.2 million yen, the exchange instructed me that I needed another 3.6 million yen. The rules seem to have changed, and there is nothing I can do about it. They instructed me to transfer another 3.6 million yen. I was made aware that this was a scam.  In the end, in addition to the initial 4 million yen of my own funds, I was cheated out of a total of 9.4 million yen in fictitious debts, 5.4 million yen in total.

Japan Japan 2023-09-30 05:23
Japan Japan 2023-09-30 05:23
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw money

I'm in big trouble. I was told that if I transfer 60% of the borrowed money, 5.4 million yen, I will be able to withdraw money from my account. So I transferred 5.4 million yen. Then I was asked to transfer an additional 3.6 million yen. The promise has been changed again and again. If I transfer 3.6 million yen, will I really be able to withdraw money from my account? Please tell me!

Japan Japan 2023-09-29 17:13
Japan Japan 2023-09-29 17:13
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